
Monday, April 25, 2016

Ooey Gooey Quadruple Fudge Brownies for Secret Recipe Club

Happy Reveal day to all my blogger friends.  I love SRC reveal day but that is not what makes today so special.  Today is also my son, Chuck's, birthday.  He is the big 40 this year and I so wish I could spend the day with him celebrating one of the best days of my life, the day God blessed me with one of the most wonderful guys I know.

Happy Birthday Chazzy. wish we were toasting you today.

I also have some Secret Recipe Club news to share with you today.  SRC will now only consist of 3 groups instead of 4.  I have been moved to Group B and will be posting on the 2nd Monday of each month starting in May.  I am going to miss working with Sarah but am looking forward to being in Cam's group.  For those of you who may be new to my blog and unfamiliar with Secret Recipe Club, you can learn all about it at this site.

So, for this last post in group D, I was assigned to Lynsey's blog aptly named, Lynsey Lou's.  Lynsey has been food blogging since 2008.  She shares the lessons that she learned from her Mom, Meemaw and Grandma.  You can only imagine how many recipes she has to share after so many years.

We were invited to our daughter's house for dinner and I told her I would bring dessert so I knew, at least category wise, I was looking for when I went to Lynsey's recipe page.  My daughter, Amy, loves brownies so I decided to see what Lynsey had available in brownie recipes.  Well....when you type in brownies in Lynsey's search button you get back 235 results.  No, that is not a typo.....seriously 235 results under a search for brownies!!

I went with Quadruple Fudge because Quadruple Fudge!!  And Lynsey describes them as oeey gooey. I cannot resist ooey gooey.  Plus I had several half bags of assorted chocolates so it provided me a cupboard cleanout day.  I made a slight adaptation.  I used white chocolate chips instead of chocolate chunks because that was what I had on hand.  Other than that I followed Lynsey's directions and was very pleased with the results.

Talk about Ooey Gooey.
This was almost like eating a lava cake but better!!

Amy had seen that I was bringing brownies and bought some ice cream and hot fudge to go on top of them.  It was a mouthful of Heaven!!

Ooey Gooey Quadruple Fudge Brownies
very slightly adapted from Lynsey Lou's

3 oz. semi sweet chocolate
2 oz. bittersweet chocolate
1 stick butter, cut into pats
3 1/2 T. cocoa powder
3 eggs
1 1/4 c. sugar
2 t. vanilla
pinch of salt
3/4 c. + 3 1/2 T. flour
3/4 c. white chocolate chips

Treat an 8" square pan with baking spray.  Melt the semi sweet and bittersweet chocolate along with the butter in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring often to prevent scorching.  Once the chocolate is melted and smooth, whisk in the cocoa powder to combine. Set aside to cool slightly. 

Place eggs, vanilla, sugar and salt in a large bowl and whisk to combine.  While continuously stirring, pour the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture.  Add the flour and stir just until incorporated.  Fold in the white chocolate.  Turn into the prepared baking pan and bake in a preheated 350* oven for 35-45 minutes.  Allow to cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes before removing from pan.  Print Recipe

Here are the remainder of the final Group D posts.


  1. I'm a sucker for ooey gooey too! Your brownies look like pure perfection! So glad y'all enjoyed them. Happy reveal day!

  2. Those brownies sound heavenly. How someone has 235 brownie recipes, I will never know, but these sound wonderful. Great SRC post!

  3. Oh wow. Quadruple fudge sounds amazing. Happy birthday to your son!

  4. I am moving to Group A. I am more sad than expected to see Group D go away. This recipe looks so fitting for a celebration. Great pick!

    1. I am sure we will see each other around Emily. I have so enjoyed our time together.

  5. A great big Happy Birthday to Chuck! 40!! Thank brownie has me slobbering all over myself, Wendy!!

  6. These look ridiculous, in such a good way!! I'll miss our group D but so glad that we can post our fish together once a month my dear friend! P.S. Love the love you sent out to your son.

    1. Thanks Karen. I think most of our group belong to other blogging groups as well and there is always the special SRC posts. I am so glad you joined FFF so that we can keep in touch.

  7. Oh... I'm drooling. It's 8:30am and I need one of these with my coffee... MMMMM!!

  8. Now that's my kind of brownie! The kind that require utensils because it's so gooey.

  9. So, it's apparent that I haven't lived yet. I've only had triple chocolate brownies. Time to make these. :) Great SRC pick this month!


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