
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Brothers and Bones-A Book Review

As you are reading this I am on an airplane heading to sunny Bonaire.  Bonaire is part of the ABC island chain, consisting of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao.  We have been to all 3.  This is our second trip to Bonaire which is a marine preserve in the southern Caribbean.  Our first visit was 15 years ago and diving was the only game in town which suited us perfectly.  I am anxious to see how the Island has evolved over the years.

It seems like we had just returned from our trip to Islamorada in Florida and it was time to start packing up again.  We drove to Islamorada and helped pass the time with another audible book by James Hankins.  I had shared my review of Shady Cross by this author only a month ago.  I really enjoyed that book but, more importantly, Frank really enjoyed that book.  I knew we were going to be spending 10-14 hrs a day in the car so I decided to order up another novel by this author and chose Brother and Bones.

Image result for brothers and bones by james hankins

This book, like the first, is filled with horrible crimes against people.  This book the crimes are committed by members of the Mafia.  Unlike the first book, this novel has characters that you like. The narrator was awesome and sounded very similar to the author of Shady Cross, however it was not the same person.  This novel was narrated by John Rubinstein.

An assistant DA is on his way to a very important case being heard in court when he is approached by a homeless man who calls him by the nickname formerly only used by the protagonist's brother who has been missing for 13 years and is presumed dead.  This knocks the protagonist, Charlie Beckham, for a loop and starts him searching once again for the brother he had lost at the risk of his job, his safety, his life and his sanity.  It is a great thriller and James Hankins has become one of my favorite authors.  I am currently listening to another of his novels, The Prettiest One, which is narrated by Bon Shaw who read Shady Cross.


  1. These books sound just 'up my alley'. I love a good crime drama. I have so much reading on my plate right now. But I want to add these to the list anyway.


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