
Monday, March 21, 2016

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Eggs #FoodnFlix

I have the honor of hosting Food n Flix this month.  I absolutely love this club.  The host gets to choose a movie, the rest of us watch it at our leisure during the month and then create a dish inspired by the movie.  We post about the recipe, how it turned out, what we thought about the movie and what in the movie inspired the dish we are sharing.  We all do this individually, informing the host as we post.  At the end of the month, the host does a round up post including a small blurb and a link to everyone who participated.  It is so much fun getting the different viewpoints and ideas.  I look forward to it each month.

I chose the film A Walk in the Clouds.  This is not a foodie film but I think there is a lot of food inspiration.  Mostly, I chose it because I love this film.  I think it is touching and warm and it makes me feel good each time I watch it.  I love strong men who place their families first and this movie is filled with those type of men.  I blame  thank my father and I am grateful that I found a husband who always places me and our family on the top of his list of priorities.  You can learn more about the film and join us in the fun by going to my Invitation Post.

I have already started getting some submissions and I am very impressed at how the other's were inspired.  I didn't think I was taking the easy route until I started perusing the other's posts and now, I must admit, I am a little embarrassed to share mine.

The movie takes place at a California Winery called Las Nubes (the Clouds) owned by a proud family of Mexican heritage.  As with so many cultures, the Mexican culture, has fiesta's for everything. Many of the fiestas held by the families in this area are dictated by the growing and harvesting season.  There is lots of food and lots of drink from which to choose but I went with chocolate.  You see, the protagonist (Keanu Reaves) is a traveling chocolate salesman and it is while traveling with his wares that he meets a young girl in dire straits and our story begins.

Another reason I wanted to make chocolate is because Easter was coming up so of course, that means a Celebration or Fiesta.  The Abuelo (grandfather) in our story has a soft spot for chocolates and manages to go through the entire sampler box in very short order.  My husband, (Grampie) also has a soft spot for chocolates, especially when it covers peanut butter.  I decided to make Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs.  I adapted a recipe that I found on allrecipes. com and they turned out wonderful.  I served them for dinner last night following the Easter Egg hunt that we attended with Little Miss.

Following the Easter Egg Hunt, 3 of the 5 kids and their partners came over for dinner.  Chuck lives out of State and Anthony was out of town.  Nicole has to work on Easter so we tried to get everyone here yesterday for an early Easter celebration.  No ham, no lamb...we had steaks on the grill but we did have Easter gifts and for dessert I decorated up the Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Eggs with frosting and sprinkles and placed them into a deviled egg tray.

I think it is safe to say that the family loved them at least as much as Abuelo loved his chocolates and it led to great conversation about a movie that the kids had never seen as it is 20 years old.  We are going to do a movie night some day soon and introduce them to this great flick.

Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Eggs
adapted from

1 (16 oz.) pkg. powdered sugar
1 c. creamy peanut butter
1/4 c. butter, room temperature
1 T + 1 t. milk
1 (12 oz) pkg dark chocolate melts
sprinkles for decorating, if desired
additional colors of chocolate melts for decorating, if desired

In large bowl of stand mixer, fitted with paddle attachment, combine sugar, peanut butter, butter and milk until blended.  Mixture will be crumbly.  Shape the mixture into eggs by pressing it into an egg shaped soup spoon.  Place the egg shapes onto a baking sheet, continue until all peanut butter mixture is used.  Place the baking sheet with the eggs in the freezer for at least one hour or overnight, if preferred.

When ready to coat the eggs, melt the dark chocolate using package directions.  Coat each egg with chocolate and place onto parchment paper. Decorate as desired.  If using sprinkles, do so immediately before the chocolate hardens.  Print Recipe


  1. these sound good, and since Caleb is allergic to peanuts, may try with almond butter or sunbutter. :) You did a fabulous job on yours. Glad you had a good day with the family.

  2. Wow those Easter eggs looks just fabulous, I want one for my 3pm snack! Alas I cannot join this month but look forward to the round-up!

    1. Awww, we will miss your post Evelyne. You always do such a great job.

  3. Yummy!! I've always wanted to make these, but I haven't yet! They look great!

  4. Your Easter eggs are beautiful and look so professional. I haven't heard of the movie but it sounds like one I would enjoy!

  5. Homemade peanut butter eggs are the best! I'll also take any excuse to watch a movie!

  6. Peanut butter eggs are a major weakness of mine! These look so perfect...and totally inspired in my opinion.

  7. I think these look wonderful. Chocolate is always good. Thanks for hosting this month. The posts I have seen so far look amazing.

  8. Homemade chocolate and peanut butter, I want some.

  9. I am with Heather--peanut butter eggs are hard to resist. I can walk by a candy display until I see a box of those individually-wrapped Reese's eggs and then all bets are off! ;-) Your eggs look even better and are all decked out for spring. I love the tie to Don Pedro (my favorite in the movie) and your own grandfather too.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun pick. I have to say I think that this was one of our most mouthwatering roundups--I truly wanted to try every dish.


I enjoy getting comments and feedback from my audience. Please let me know what you think, keeping in mind that we are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions. I am happy to hear yours as long as they are stated nicely.