
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Seaweed Apple Salad for #FreshTastyValentines

I had this post planned for a couple of weeks.  We are celebrating #FreshTastyValentines and I had decided to share a complete seven course meal with you.  This is day 3 and it is time for the 3rd course.  You can see my menu here.

We started with an appetizer on Monday.  I shared the soup course yesterday and today is the day I am sharing the salad course.  My salad is featuring some wonderful apples that I got from Envy Apples.  These apples are so good, however, that I had a hard time hiding them well enough to keep them for my salad!!

Luckily they saved me one so I was able to make this salad and share it with you.

The envy apple add delicious flavor and crunch to the seaweed salad.
The T Lish Asian Sesame Dressing was perfect!!

I had used T Lish dressings in the past so when I decided to celebrate with Asian foods I knew that this dressing was going to feature prominently in at least one of the courses.   Both the apples and the dressing were gifts to the bloggers from our sponsors but they not only provided product for us to use they are also sending out great gifts for you, our readers.  You can enter into the drawing by going to my Welcome Post.

I love getting sponsor gifts and I appreciate their generosity but they are never promised anything other than an honest opinion should I use their product in one of my blog posts.  I am proud to feature these two products in my salad today.

Are you familiar with seaweed salad?  Tingting and I love it but it is a developed taste. Not so much with the flavor which is delicious especially with the T Lish dressing but more with the texture which is on the slimy side.  The apples helped this very much as did the sesame seeds which also add some texture and crunch but Frank still couldn't get past the texture to enjoy the taste.

Seaweed Apple Salad

1 pkg (10 sheets) Wakame (seaweed)
1 apple, peeled, cored and diced
1/2 c. Asian Sesame Dressing
Toasted Sesame Seeds

Soak the Wakame in warm water for a few minutes to soften.  Drain and squeeze dry.  Cut into slices and place in bowl with the apple.  Pour dressing over the seaweed and apple and toss to mix. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.  Print Recipe


  1. Definitely creative and not something I would have normally thought of!

    1. The color was a little off putting as well but I did not want to use that bright green food coloring that the restaurants use.

  2. What a lovely dish! I've never eaten a seaweed salad - I think the only thing I've had seaweed with is sushi. I do love me some sushi... :)

  3. What a sweet pic of Frank and your Little Miss

  4. What an interesting pairing but I can imagine tasty too.

    1. Yes, I really liked the addition of the apple to the seaweed salad Caroline.

  5. Two confessions today!
    I obviously inadvertently left you off the CTB Round Up. Thanks for telling me. It is fixed now and I have alerted the members to check your post out!

    I have never used seaweed. That salad looks wonderful.

    (Sorry 'bout the CTB FUBAR.)

    1. No worries at all Debra. I had to go back to my sent mail to make sure it wasn't my error. Life gets in the way and in the big scheme of things this glitch is only a dust speck. Have a great day and try some seaweed.


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