
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Phew.....what a crazy month

Hi everyone.  It seems like a long time since I have been able to catch up with you.  Between losing my mom and all the extra time and responsibilities that come along with that and all of the blogging events in which I was involved I haven't had much time to just sit down and share my life.  In fact, I think it has been nearly 2 weeks since I have talked of anything other than recipes for different events.

So.....what has been going on? ..........

We had a Birthday, Chinese New Year and Valentines Celebration.

With Banners

Chinese Lanterns and Dragons

Valentine's gifts

A combination of all three at the place settings

And, of course, the Birthday girl!!

I got all the thank you cards completed and filed all necessary paperwork for Mom.  We have spent time visiting Mom Klik who hasn't been well lately.  

And I finished one of the books that I was reading, well actually I was listening to it and it was wonderful!!  I only listen to books when I am on the treadmill, out walking or in the car so it takes a while to get through them.

A Man Called Ove takes place in Sweden.  It is about a grumpy guy who has lost his wife of many years and now has been replaced in his job by a younger man.  He has decided to kill himself and join his wife but God has other plans and each attempt is foiled by someone or some new situation that desperately needs his help.  It is one of those books that pulls you into the story and makes you feel like one of the cast, all of whom become quick friends.

How much did I love this book?  I was coming home from a meeting at church and listening to the story that only had 20 minutes left.  I pulled in the garage and sat there listening to the story.  Frank finally came out into the garage with the glass of wine he had poured for me and gave it to me.  I sat in my car, drinking wine, listening to this story and feeling like I was right there with Ove and Pravanah. his neighbor, her children and husband and all the other people in his life.  

This book is now a movie in Sweden.....I can't wait for it to come out here!!  


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the book Wendy! It was one of my favorites from last year. I would love to find that sweet old man and make him mine!!!! Hope life is getting back to normal and you get over the cold! Thinking of you often!

  2. Holy cow! I need to take a nap now, because reading about all that you have done lately makes me exhausted! ;) Glad you finished the book. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for Mom Klik!

  3. Reading can be such a great stress relief! Thank you for joining in my crazy, wild event. I loved your menu and recipes!!

  4. Wendy what a busy month you've had - that V-Day stuffed animal is SO sweet!! I have to stop at the store and get a few things for the kiddos for the weekend. :) We're going to do a special surf & turf and chocolate covered strawberries for our little group just for fun. :)


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