
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekends in a French Kitchen:Garlic Soup

Today is Cook's Choice in our group that we call Weekends in a French Kitchen.  This group is led by Tammy, Christy and Emily who invite others to join them as the cook their way through Mimi Thorisson's "A Kitchen in France".  I thought this would be a fun group to join, especially since I am learning more about French Wines in my Winophiles group and could pair the recipes from this group with wines from the other.  A win/win situation.  You can learn all about Weekends in a French Kitchen by going to the about page.

The recipe that I am sharing today is one that I served as a soup course at our family Christmas dinner.  It was a very successful dish and enjoyed by all, especially our daughter, Nicole, who had two servings.  Garlic is not only a wonderful flavor it is also very beneficial for your health.  

This recipe can be found on page 242 of the cookbook and I stuck pretty true to the recipe making a few minor changes in technique and using olive oil instead of duck fat.  I also added some garlic croutons as garnish.

The first change I made was combining the onion and garlic in a food processor before sauteeing them together as opposed to dicing the onions and slicing the garlic since it was all going to get pureed at the end anyway.  

 I did save a couple of cloves of garlic to slice for garnish.

Then I used the oil left in the pan from frying the garlic to make croutons.

The soup was fragrant and delicious.
I made it earlier in the day and needed only to rewarm it and add the garnishes before serving.

It is a delicious and delicate start to a dinner party.

This is my 3rd or 4th recipe that I have made from Mimi Thorisson's, "A Kitchen in France; A year of cooking in my farmhouse."  Each one has been easy to follow, easily adapted and absolutely delicious.


  1. Sounds like you made a great choice for the Cooks Choice weekend. Garlic soup sounds delicious.


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