
Sunday, January 17, 2016

A chicken a week....nearly every single week

Followers of my blog know that we raise our own meat chickens here on the Farm so our freezers are always full.  I pull out a chicken each week and normally get 3 meals from each one depending on how many people I am feeding.

Sometimes I will roast the whole bird and then use the leftovers for a casserole. Sometimes I will use the white meat in one dish and the dark in another as I did this week.  I shared a recipe for Cashew Chicken earlier in the week and then we had this Roasted Chicken with Asparagus and Tomatoes later in the week.  Every week I use the bones to make stock which then turns into a soup, stew, pot pie, etc and is used in any recipes needing chicken broth.

This Roasted Chicken and Asparagus recipe came from and it is real simple.  The perfect meal for a busy week.  The original recipes calls for 8 thighs.  There were only two of us having dinner and our chickens only have 2 thighs so we used those along with their 2 legs.

Other than that, the recipe is made as written except for reducing the amounts to only serve 2 people. Double the amounts as per the original recipe if feeding a family of 4.

Roasted Chicken with Asparagus and Tomatoes
slightly adapted from Real Simple

4 pieces dark meat chicken, I used two thighs and two legs
2 t. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 bunch of Asparagus, trimmed
1/2 pint of grape tomatoes
2 sprigs thyme

Heat oil in an oven safe skillet over med high heat.  Season the chicken with salt and pepper and sear on all sides until browned and crispy.  Transfer to a plate.  Add the Thyme, Asparagus and Tomatoes and toss to coat in the remaining olive oil and drippings from the chicken.  Place chicken on top of the vegetables and place in a preheated 400* oven for 20 minutes or until cooked through.  Print Recipe


  1. This is a great week meal and I love asparagus! So cool you have your own chicken. I think they would be unhappy on my windy 18th floor balcony lol.

    1. Well they are pretty adaptable Evelyne but your neighbors might not be happy LOL

  2. Sounds delicious! I have chicken thighs in the freezer. Just need to pick up some asparagus and tomatoes!


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