
Thursday, December 10, 2015

We are celebrating life today here on the farm.....

Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that my Mom, who had been in a memory care center for the past year and a half, is now back at our home on hospice.  She has age related congestive heart failure and we didn't want her to be alone at the memory care center for her last days.

Not that I have any complaints regarding the care and attention she received while at the Village of East Harbor but they, of course, cannot concentrate only on Mom, every minute of each day, and that is what we want. Mom and all of her equipment is in our room and I sleep down here with her.  Frank has moved himself into Miss Melody's nursery while my brother, Larry, is in the guest room.  We have the whole family coming over on Saturday so the great grandchildren can have lunch with Santa and the whole family can visit with Mom before she leaves us.

So, not only is this all going on during the busiest time of the year but tomorrow is also the anniversary of my brother, Dan's, death.  So to say I have been stressed out and in need of comfort is an understatement.  Fortunately, I am surrounded by people who comfort me.  I have a huge family that includes friends who have become family, that is always there to help in any way they can.  I have my faith that carries me through knowing that this is all God's plan and that soon my Mom will be joining my Pops, brother and nephew who are waiting for her.  Mostly, I have Frank, who once again, without complaint, has given up his room, his home  and his privacy for my Mom.

On a good note, Mom is in great spirits and slept straight through the night last night after having sat at the table to have dinner with us.  This morning she again joined us at the table for breakfast and is now settled on the couch drowsing and watching Bewitched.

Doesn't she look great?  She is in no pain or discomfort.  She is happy and joking.  She has no idea where she is or who we are but she LOVES having the dogs and they love having her.  They are cuddled up on the couch with her and she is relaxed and content.  Life is very good and we will be celebrating Mom's life tomorrow along with the whole family and Santa Claus.

And I have one more little thing to share with you today to make you leave my page with a smile and giggle.  

Little Miss Melody is the cutie, center stage, in the red shirt.  Is she not the most adorable baby you have ever seen in your life?!!


  1. Little Miss Melody is so sweet! You mom looks lovely and happy! I hope you are holding up! My love and thoughts are with you my wonderful friend!!

  2. Wendy I'm glad your Mom is home with you and feeling happy and comfortable. I just wanted to let you know that I am keeping your Mom and your family in my prayers. We lost my Mother in-law a few years ago from the same thing and she spent her last days at my Sister in-laws . She was happy and content right to her last breath. Hospice is great they take very good care of people. Take care of your self Wendy and make sure you get some ME time. God Bless you!!!

  3. Wendy, keeping you in my thoughts and grateful you can have your mom with you. Hugs all around, during this challenging and important time.


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