
Monday, December 7, 2015

Let's talk about Mom....

On Friday, while shopping for Frank's work party, I received a call from the memory care center nurse who advised me that the staff had noticed that Mom seemed weaker and more frail lately.  The nurse wanted to order up some labs and I approved a urinalysis and blood work.

The following morning the nurse called again and said that when she arrived at the memory care center Mom was very weak and having a hard time breathing.  The doctor was called and administered a breathing treatment and ordered a shot of steroids followed by oral steroids.  These were ordered up stat from the pharmacy and should be there within 4 hrs.  I called all the siblings to give the news.  Dawn and Tom went up to spend time with Mom.  They were relieved by Dick and Jackie who were relieved by John and Kirsten so that I could continue with the party I had scheduled.

On Sunday morning, the nurse called and said Mom had taken a turn for the worse.  The meds had never arrived from the pharmacy and so were not administered.  Mom's oxygen level was very low and they were giving her a breathing treatment and transporting her to the hospital.

I got to the hospital prior to Mom's arrival.  When she arrived, she was breathing comfortably.  More xrays and blood work showed that Mom had congestive heart failure and she was admitted into the hospital.

Here she is, relaxing with a magazine. No pain, no distress as long as she is laying in bed. When she needs to get up for the bathroom she is distressed for 15-20 minutes trying to catch her breath.  Other than that, she thinks she is at my house...which by the way is very nice.  Every time someone comes in to see how she is she gets confused because no one told her she was in the hospital or that she was sick.  The only complaint she has is that we need to leave this place and go have a drink somewhere.  Mom is amazing...she never stops joking or laughing and she accuses me of lying every time I try to give her history to the medical staff.  

So far, God has been very good granting my prayer that Mom go into his arms with no pain, fear or discomfort.  The doctors have no timeline for us.  If you ask me I think she is ready to go out dancing!!!


  1. Prayers for you and your mom.


    1. I am glad she is in good spirits. Will keep her in my prayers,and if you need anything, let me know. :)
      . Hugs and love!

    2. Oh Wendy, I am so sorry about your mom. I wish I had met her before the dementia/alzhiemers. She always seems like she is having a great time! I pray for peace and grace for her until it is her time to be with your dad again. Hugs to you and all the family. Please call if you need anything!

  2. Keep you in my thoughts, sounds like great spirits. We are awaiting a heart operation date mid-december for my dad.

    1. Thank you Evelyne. I will be holding your Dad in my prayers.

  3. My great grandmother had alzheimers, but I never got to see her on a good day where she was in good spirits like your mom. I'm glad you have these moments with her. It's so hard to see someone you love go through that confusion. <3 Thinking about you and your family, Wendy xo

    1. Thanks Sarah, we realize how lucky we are that Mom's personality has stayed so upbeat and happy. She has way more good days than bad.

  4. OH, this was hard to read. For some reason I just thought your precious mom would go on forever. Silly thinking.. wishful maybe? But then I remembered that your father is patiently waiting for his beloved Gladys. So having said all that.. I too pray that when it is her time, it will be peaceful and painless. Much Love, Rita

    1. One day at a time Rita. Thanks so much for your love and prayers

  5. Prayers for your mom and your family.


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