
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Good Life.....

We had a great weekend but I have been so busy that I haven't been able to share it with you.  It started off with an impromptu date night on Friday that I told you about in this post where I shared a new cocktail creation that Frank made for me.  What I didn't tell you is that while we were out Frank also took me to a furniture store to see if we could find something we liked to replace our living rooms furniture.  We did find things we liked but before we could make a final decision we had to leave to make our dinner reservations.

On Saturday we got up early and went to Tingting's to help her put together a bookcase that she bought and Frank helped with Melody's costume for the Zoo Boo that night.

 After that Frank took me back to the furniture store and we ordered up a new sofa, chair and ottoman.  It will be delivered in 4-6 weeks. Then we went to celebrated Danielle's birthday.

Sunday morning we sang at 9:30 Mass.  When we got home, Frank made some oatmeal and I made a caramel apple topping for it....Delicious!!!  I will be sharing that with you today.

Sunday afternoon we went to see Dirty Dancing, the Musical.  It was awesome and I would go see it again, given the opportunity.  Following the show we went out for dinner.  It was a great night.

Yesterday I got my hair cut and ran some errands.  Frank and I went for a 2 1/2 mile walk before dinner and then relaxed with the Halloween segment of DWTS.

Today I met a friend and her family for lunch, after which I went to the feed store and grocery store.  Frank picked Melody up on his way home.  She and her Mom had spent the morning at the library Halloween party. Melody was a cat today....a birthday gift from her Aunt Linda Benda.

Tomorrow I am taking Mom Klik to Bingo, after which I will stop in and spend some time with my Mom before coming home to start dinner.

It was supposed to be a quiet week but you know how that goes.  Here is the recipe for Caramel Apple Oatmeal.  DELICIOUS!!!!

Caramel Apple Oatmeal

Old Fashioned Oats made per package directions using milk instead of water.
1 T. butter for each serving of oats
2 T. brown sugar for each serving of oats
1/8 t. cinnamon for each serving of oats
1 apple, peeled, cored and diced for each serving of oats

While the Old Fashioned Oats are cooking, melt the butter in a sauce pan over med heat.  Add the brown sugar and cinnamon, stir until melted and caramelized.  Add the apple and stir until covered with caramel and slightly softened.  Serve over the warm oats.  Print Recipe

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  1. Ah Carmel Apple Oatmeal!! Melody is a cutie in her costumes. Halloween is definitely for the little ones!!

    1. The oatmeal is awesome Paula and Halloween is definitely for kids.


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