
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Chocolate Oat Truffles with Hemp Seeds~~#ChoctoberfestwithImperialSugar

Today is the last day of Choctoberfest for this year so I thought I would leave you with a sweet memory featuring products from one of our great sponsors, Just Hemp Foods.  Just Hemp Foods not only provided product for the bloggers to use in their chocolate creations but also gave product to be used in the giveaway that you can enter right here.  Hurry because time is nearly up and you don't want to miss out on these great prizes.

These little truffles are a very healthy treat for your loved ones.
Had I had natural peanut butter in my cupboard, they would have been ultra-healthy.

Just Hemp Foods provided us with tons of product.  I have never used their products before but was happy to try them with the understanding that I never post anything on my blog that is not 100% my honest opinion. Just Hemp products are GMO and Gluten Free so these would be perfect to serve to those who are gluten intolerant.

For these truffles I used the Protein Powder and a packet of Toasted Salted Hemp Seed.  The truffles are sweetened with prunes.  Don't tell anyone and they will never know.  You could also use dates or raisins but prunes was what I had in the cupboard.  They also received sugar from the peanut butter I used but you could use freshly ground or natural peanut butter if you want.  I was a little worried at first that the mixture for the truffles was to dry but they formed well when I started pressing them in my hands.

I'm not saying that your family, or I for that matter, will choose these over a Rescee's Cup but if it is the only choice given they are pretty delicious.  I especially liked the texture and crunch added by the hemp seeds. It reminded be a bit of candy with crisped rice in it.  This recipe will give you 12-15 truffles depending on what size you make them.

One of my kids favorite cookies to make when they were kids were No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies.  They called them Mud Cookies.  They contain many of the same ingredients and these truffles reminded me of them.  Only healthier.  I hope you enjoy them.

I want to give one final shout out to our sponsors but especially to the wonderful ladies at PinterTest Kitchen for all their hard work at making this event amazing.  Thanks, especially to Allison, you are the bomb!!!

Chocolate Oat Truffles with Hemp Seeds

1/2 c. rolled oats (I use Bob's Red Mill)
10 pitted prunes
2 T. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 T. Protein Powder (I used Just Hemp)
1/4 c. nut butter of choice
1 t. pure vanilla extract
pinch of cinnamon
1 (1 oz) packet salted, roasted hemp seeds (I used Just Hemp)

Place all ingredients except hemp seeds into the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely ground and sticking together.  Empty into a bowl and mix in hemp seeds.  Form into balls about 2 teaspoons each.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Print Recipe

Don't miss these other great recipes

This post contains affiliate links.  Should you buy a product using this link, your price remains the same but I receive a small stipend to help offset the costs of this blog.


  1. I don't think I have ever heard of cooking with hemp! We loved those oatmeal chocolate cookies too!!

    1. I hadn't either but the protein powder is tasteless and the roasted hemp seeds remind me of sunflower seeds.


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