
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Grilled Bok Choy for #Sunday Supper

I absolutely love this time of year.  I love going to my CSA each week and seeing what Farmer Jackie has for me.  I love browsing around Farmer's Markets, picking up goodies and picking the farmer's brains about how they grow, why they grow and what they make.

That's why I am so excited about this week's Sunday Supper theme, Farmstand Food, chosen by Colleen of Foodie Tots.  Colleen is being assisted this month by DB of Crazy Foodie Stunts.  I want to thank both of them for hosting and for choosing such a great topic.  I thought that I had signed up to join all of the others in Farmstand Foods this month but as it turns out I hadn't...sigh.  But don't let that stop you from checking out all of their great shares this month.

One of the goodies that has been in my CSA basket the last couple of weeks is Bok Choy.  I love Bok Choy and I normally stirfry it up with other vegetables and maybe a little meat. This week, I decided to change things up a bit and grill my Bok Choy to serve as a side dish when grilling pork chops.  I normally cut my vegetables into bite size pieces and toss them with olive oil and seasonings before grilling them in a grill pan.  In the spirit of changing things up I decided to leave the Bok Choy leaves whole.  I have grilled lettuce in this fashion and saw no reason why it wouldn't work for Bok Choy.

I was right, it turned out perfectly.  The stems were tender with little grill marks along them and the leaves were softened with crispy edges.  It was the perfect accompaniment to grilled meat of any sort or you could even use it as a base for a grilled vegetable salad.  Doesn't that sound yummy?!  I think it would also be adorable if you used baby bok choy and left the head intact, serving one head to each person.

Grilled Bok Choy

1 head Bok Choy, bottom cut off, leaves separated, washed and dried
2 T. melted butter or olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place the bok choy leaves on a platter and brush one side with the butter or olive oil that has been seasoned with salt and pepper.  Place on a grill heated to med high with the brushed side down. Brush the top side with the seasoned mixture.  Allow to grill for 7-10 minutes, until the stems start showing grill marks and the leaves start charring at the edges.  Turn over and grill for 2 or 3 minutes longer or until the stems are easily pierced with a fork.  Print Recipe

Appetizers, Sides and Salads
Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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