
Monday, June 1, 2015

Grilled Pork Chops with Blueberry BBQ Sauce for #HotSummerEats 2015

Today is the first day of a week long party called Hot Summer Eats.  This event is the brain child of Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  She invited a bunch of bloggers and gathered up some great sponsors so that we could give you the party of the year!!

For 8 glorious, wonderful, hot summer days we will be sharing with you our favorite dishes.  Recipes that are quick and easy and get you out of the kitchen and into the summer fun.  We are happy to have you join us.

I want to send out a huge round of applause to our sponsors and to remind you that they are also hosting a huge giveaway for all of our readers.  So go and enter the raffle and then hurry back here to see what we have cooked up for you today.

For today's recipe I incorporated 3 of our sponsor products.
Blueberry/White Pepper Not Ketchup.
 Garden Gourmet Chunky Garlic.
 Intensity Academy Garlic Goodness.

Let me tell you, my family loved this BBQ sauce.  The recipe gave me enough sauce for 4 large pork chops with enough left to go in the fridge for our next BBQ.

Grilled Pork Chops with Blueberry BBQ Sauce

4 Center Cut Pork Chops
1/2 c. Ketchup
1/2 c. Blueberry/White Pepper Not Ketchup
1 T. Garden Gourmet Chunky Garlic (or 1 large clove, minced)
1/4 c. Worcestershire Sauce
2 T. Honey
1/4 t. Intensity Academy Garlic Goodness (or your favorite hot sauce
            *Add more if you like things spicy.
Salt and Pepper to taste

Season the chops with salt and pepper on both side.  Place on a hot grill and allow to cook for 8 minutes per side or until an internal temperature of 145*.  

While chops are grilling, mix together remaining ingredients.  When you flip the chops baste the cooked side liberally with the BBQ sauce.  When the second side is seared and the chops are nearly cooked to completion, flip the BBQ sauced side down and slather the second side.  Allow the sauce to carmelize on each side.  Remove from grill and let rest for a few minutes before serving.  Print Recipe


  1. Wendy those look SO good!! I need to try the blueberry sauce, it sounds so good on pork. :) Happy #HotSummerEats kick-off day! :)

  2. I love how you chose to use the blueberry sauce - this sounds so good!

    1. It was perfect Danielle and then I served them with a Melon and Blueberry Salad that I will be sharing later in the week.

  3. i love this idea! so creative making the not ketchup into bbq sauce. :)

  4. Okay. That LOOKS amazing. I picked the NOT Ketchup blueberry this time, too. Thanks for cooking along with me for #HotSummerEats, Wendy.

  5. These look absolutely delicious! I love that your recipe includes both ketchup AND Not Ketchup. :)

    1. Thanks Erika. I am loving the Blueberry flavor. I can't decide which is my favorite blueberry or the cherry/chipotle.

  6. Delicious Wendy! I'm loving the blueberry Not Ketchup/Garlic Goodness combo!

  7. Wendy, love, love, love this. I wish I had some of the blueberry Not Ketchup left. That presentation is beautiful. Fruit and pork is such a great combo.

  8. I am a big fan of fruit based sauces! I am horrible and always forget about pork chops for summer grilling but they look so good!

  9. These look so good and saucy!! I haven't tried the blueberry yet but it looks good!!!!

  10. Berries and pork are such a great combination. Your sauce looks lovely - I even have a bottle of that Not Ketchup! Yum.

    1. I was very pleased with how it flavored the bbq sauce Lauren.

  11. I love all the flavors you added in your barbecue sauce, especially the blueberry white pepper sauce! What a perfect addition to any bbq party!!! Yum, Hugs, Terra

  12. Ah, looks gorgeous! I'd love these for dinner!


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