
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Grilled Naan for #BreadBakers

A few days ago I shared with you a recipe for Gyro Kabobs.  I told you I served it with Rice Pilaf, Feta and Yogurt Sauce and Greek Salsa.  What I didn't tell you is that I also made some delicious Naan bread on the grill to go along with that dinner.

I was saving that announcement for today when all of the great bloggers who contribute to #BreadBakers revealed their creations for this month's them of Yeasty Flat Breads.
The theme this month was chosen by Chef Mireille of The Schizo Chef and it is a great one.  My mind went right away to Foccacia.  I love Foccacia and shared my recipe for Onion Focaccia not to long ago.  I thought I would make an olive foccacia this time but then Cam, of  Culinary Adventures with Camilla, invited me to join #HotSummerEats which was happening the same week as #BreadBakers.  When I decided to make the Gyro Kebabs, I knew I wanted a grilled flatbread to go with them.

I found an easy peasy and quick recipe compliments of Red Star Yeast.  I put my baking stone on my grill turned the grill to high and had the perfect "oven" in which to bake my Naan.

This recipe gives you 6 Naan in less than an hours time.

Let them rise, divide the dough, flatten them out and bake.

They were delicious. 
This recipe is definitely a keeper.

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme.  Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to

recipe by Red Star Yeast

3 c. flour
2 1/4 t. Quick Rise yeast
2 t. sugar
1/8 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
3/4 c. warm water (120-130*)
1/4 c. oil (I used olive oil)
1/4 c. full fat plain yogurt (I used Greek yogurt)

Combine 1 1/2 c. of the flour and the remaining dry ingredients in large bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment.  Add the water, oil and yogurt.  Blend at low speed until moistened.  Beat for 1 minute at medium speed.  Switch to the dough hook and gradually add the remaining flour to make a smooth dough,  Knead with dough hook for 5 minutes.

Form the dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl, turning to cover top of dough with oil. Cover with a warm damp towel and let rise in a warm spot until doubled in size, about 45 minutes.

Place a pizza stone in the center rack of  the oven or on the rack of a grill.  Preheat to 450*

Punch down the dough and divide into 6 pieces and let rest, covered, for 5 minutes.  Roll out each piece of dough into a tear drop shape about 8" long and 1/4 " thick.  Use a spray bottle to lightly mist each piece of dough with water and place it wet side down on the pizza stone. Cook for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is lightly browned then spray the top with water, flip it over and cook for an additional 2 minutes.

Note: My grill and stone are large enough to cook all 6 Naan at once but you can cook them in batches if needed.

Print Recipe

Here is what the other bakers decided to share this month


  1. The recipe sure does look like a keeper. I'm ready to fire up the grill to make some soon.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Priya...I thought it turned out nicely for my first try.

  3. Oooh, Wendy! So good! I guess it's time I let my stone come outside and grill with me!

    1. I use mine all summer long outside Jennifer. We make a lot of pizza in the summer as well.

  4. My all time favorite Wendy... My weekends treat starts with Naan.... Yummmm.

  5. That looks delicious and how cool that you could make them on the grill!!!

  6. I am sold by the "naan in less than an hour's time!" line and think this is doable at my house. Looking forward to trying it. Thanks!

  7. Love this! I've been thinking of using one of our grills for bread baking and this looks like a great place to start.

  8. I'm ready to fire up the grill and cook us some Naan!

  9. love your makeshift "oven" on the grill. It certainly did the trick because they look perfect!

    1. Thanks Mireille and thanks for picking such a great theme this month!!

  10. Your naan is absolutely beautiful! Great use of the grill.

  11. G'Gina's KitchenetteJune 10, 2015 at 4:43 AM

    Wow Wendy I just love the colour on your naan! Gorgeous and for want of a better word...seriously Yummilicious! Loved learning about you and your beautiful family too! Glad to be a part of the beautiful Bread Bakers family!

    1. Thank you. It was my first attempt and I was surprised at how easy it was.

  12. Naan is so popular yet it's just occurring to me that I've never tried it! I have all the ingredients in hand so I'll make some for dinner tonight. Then I'll have to go to an Indian restaurant soon to try theirs.
    Thanks for the recipe!

    1. It is delicious Kelsey. Let me know what you think please.

  13. Hmmm, pizza stone on the grill, you say. I need to try this! Your naan looks perfect, Wendy!

  14. Naan has turned out so well!!!

  15. With the grill season upon I should make these grilled naans real soon. They look fluffy & perfect.

  16. Nice wendy love to see Indian naan.....looks so yummy

    1. It will be appearing here quite often now that I know how easy and delicious it is.

  17. These look perfect, soft and delicious.

    1. Thanks, it was my first attempt at Naan and I was pleased with the results.


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