
Sunday, April 19, 2015

We are having a picnic for #SundaySupper

This week for Sunday Supper we are celebrating Earth Day with a picnic hosted by T.R. of Gluten Free Crumbley.

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

I love picnics.  I love being outside and spending time with family and friends.  I love spending a leisurely Sunday, visiting, playing badminton or croquet, snacking, grilling and perhaps having a glass of

I think that the perfect wine for a casual picnic pot luck, where you aren't sure what food will be offered and what the other guests wine preferences might be, is a fruity, refreshing Sangria Punch. This recipe I'm sharing with you today is sure to please everyone at the table with it's light and sparkly goodness.

Now, one of the problems of trying to keep wine chilled at a picnic is the danger of watering down your wine if you add ice to it.  Want to know an easy way to rectify that problem??  Ice cubes made from wine....melt away ice....melt away....and in keeping with the fruity theme you can put a cherry inside each cube

Sangria Punch

1 bottle red wine
2 cans lemon lime soda
1 orange, cut into slices
1 lime, cut into slices
1 lemon, cut into slices

Pour wine and soda into a large pitcher.  Add fruit slices and stir to combine.  Serve chilled. If desired make ice cubes using some of the punch to add to the wine on hot days to keep it cool.  Print Recipe

Let's see what everyone else brought to the picnic

Main Dishes:
Soups and Salads:


  1. Sangria is very refreshing indeed, Wendy! I don't think I'd have time for it to get warm because it would be gone in a hurry.

    1. Well I was thinking more about what was in the pitcher not my glass LOL....the wine in my glass never lasts long either Stacy.

  2. I love a sangria in the summer, perfect cocktail, so delicious!!

  3. Sangria means summer is on its way!

  4. Sangria's always the perfect cocktail for a party!

  5. Its been ages since I've had sangria! It's still the only way I'll drink wine haha

    1. I am a wine lover but when it is really hot I find Sangria refreshing.

  6. Sangria is great for a picnic. What kind of red wine do you recommend using?

    1. I used a cabernet for this because that was what I had in the house. I like to use a dry red so that it cuts the sweetness of the soda. Some like to use a rose but I find that is too sweet for my taste.

  7. My family would love to see this sangria at the next picnic!

  8. This is just brilliant! I sometimes freeze grapes and use them but this is even better!

  9. I love sangria!! And that glass looks wonderful!

    1. It was Paula and isn't it a gorgeous glass. I got 2 as Christmas gifts last year.

  10. Oooo wonderful idea to put a cherry inside the wine ice cube, Wendy. Your sangria at a picnic would definitely get the attendees doing a happy dance!


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