
Friday, April 10, 2015

The Sponsor Gifts are arriving for #BrunchWeek2015

The next big exciting event in which I will be participating is Brunch Week 2015 hosted by Terri of Love and Confections, taking place May 4-9.  That's right, an entire week's worth of Brunch offerings!!

This is my first year participating in this event and I can't wait!  Terri has worked extremely hard and has gotten us some great sponsors.  I will be sharing all of their information with you as I get it and you can play chopped with us and think of what you would make with the given ingredient.

My first package arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to open it.  It was filled with 4 wonderful cheddar cheeses from Cabot Creamery and a cheese slicer.

Included in the package was Farmhouse Reserve, Seriously Sharp Cheddar,
 Alpine Cheddar and a White Oak Cheddar.

I was intrigued with the White Oak Cheddar and opened it right away.
The slicer went through the cheese like it was butter, giving me a perfectly bite sized portion.

Wow!!  I had never heard of Cabot Cheese prior to receiving this package, even though it is offered locally at any large grocer in my area.  The White Oak was creamy and melted in your mouth with just a hint of smokiness. I cannot wait to use this cheese in a recipe...that is if I can stop picking at it and leave some for a recipe.

You can find Cabot Creamery at the link above and also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Google.  I think after trying this wonderful product I will be spending some time on their sites.


  1. Another Wendy! Yay!
    So glad you're enjoying the cheese! And isn't that slicer awesome? Can't wait to see what you cook up... And thank you on behalf of the 1200 farm family owners of Cabot for sharing our social media links. #grateful

    1. My pleasure Wendy. I am so looking forward to using your wonderful product.


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