
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Life is back to normal (kinda) and the Weekly Menu

It is a new week and new life is springing daffodils and tulips are breaking through the ground.  The ducks and geese are back in our ponds.  The rains are coming almost daily but the winds dry things out quickly.  The weather is staying above freezing.  I think it is safe to say that Spring has finally sprung here in my little neck of the woods.

Image result for spring has sprung

I went and got my hair cut this morning, yahoooooooo I can see again.  We will be going to Mass this afternoon and then we are going to Mom Klik's for dinner.

Tomorrow, Amy and I are taking Mom Klik to Bingo.  This is my birthday gift to her, I had put a coupon for bingo in her card when we celebrated her big day.  Frank has his annual flight review. Yesterday I put together some Chicken Noodle Soup with the carcass from Friday night's roast chicken so that will be dinner.

Monday, Frank is scheduled for some minor, outpatient surgery so I will be with him at the hospital most of the day.  I think we will be having breakfast for dinner.

The rest of the week is typical around here.  I have a meeting at the church on Tuesday, Food Pantry on Wednesday, choir on Thursday and if Frank is healed up we are going to have a date night on Friday.

Stop by each day for photos and recipes.  I will, as always, be linking up with MPM, where you will find tons of wonderful menu ideas.

Dinner at Mom Klik's

Chicken Noodle Soup

Meatless Monday
Poached Eggs on Toast
Fresh Fruit

Greek Meatballs
Rice Pilaf
Steamed Brocolli

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

Chicken Shwarma Sandwiches

Date night


  1. Hope that Frank's surgery goes well! I will be thinking of you guys on that day. Your menu sounds good as usual. I like the idea of poached eggs on toast for dinner. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Paula. I will let you know. I will probably be on my computer all morning while waiting for him.


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