
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Just a Day in the Life

It is a cold, rainy, blustery day here in Michigan.....I am soooooooooo ready for Spring.  It seems we have one nice day and then a week of crap before we get another nice day.  I don't know how to dress when I get up in the morning.

I finally got back to Zumba this morning.....yay!!!  Maybe that will help me beat these weather blues. After Zumba I went shopping for a Birthday gift for Tingting. Her birthday is Friday and we are having a gathering here on Sunday.  Then I stopped and saw Mom who greeted me with "I hardly recognized you, you've gotten so fat".  Now I know that I cannot take anything Mom says to heart but the reality is.....that comment isn't driven by her dementia....she would have said those same words if she were in her 50's and I stopped in to see her.  Maybe that has more to do with my mood today than the weather....

On other news front, Frank is healing up nicely after his little surgery and is nearly back to normal. He has decided to let go of our lawn service so yesterday we went out and bought him a new zero turn tractor.  It is being delivered tomorrow.

The puppies are getting bigger and, like brothers do, fight and wrestle constantly.  They make us laugh and they make us scream in frustration.  

Well, that's been my day.  How was yours?


  1. I'm sorry that I laughed out loud at your mom's comment. That is exactly something my mom would have said to me. And she would be right. But I don't think I'll be going to Zumba any time soon. Happy to hear that Frank is healing. And the puppies are growing fast, aren't they?

    1. Yes they are. I need to laugh about it too....maybe it's something with that generation!!


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