
Friday, April 3, 2015

Introducing Sherman and Shadow....

Sherman (the tank) is on the left.
Shadow (with the white nose) is on the right.
They are brothers and we couldn't bear to separate them.
They are Lab/Border Collies and were born 1/31/15.
Sherman weighs 7 lbs and Shadow weighs 8 lbs 4 oz.

Bella Baby is in 7th Heaven.
And so is Frank.
And so am I but don't tell Frank.....


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda.....we were wondering what we got ourselves into when we put them in the crate for bedtime tonight. It doesn't take them long to get spoiled and want to be right next to you....but they finally settled down.

  2. Egads! You guys jumped in with both feet! But it looks like all are happy. They are so cute

    1. We were taking turns last night getting up every couple of hours. I think we're nuts LOL

  3. Oh Wendy they are PRECIOUS!! I fostered a pair of brothers, and one of them looked just like your boys!!

    1. Oh how adorable Rebekah...I hope they found happy forever homes.


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