
Monday, April 27, 2015

A Wonderful Opportunity From Petoskey and Pine

I have been telling all of you about our daughter and son in law's new business venture Petoskey and Pine for a few months now.  I am so proud of them and the products they are providing.  They make artisinal soaps, lip balms and candles.  They are all handmade by just the two of them and they use only the finest ingredients that are fair trade and environmentally friendly.  The results are spectacular!!

The soaps are made with coconut oil and are silky and luxurious.  They eliminate all the dry skin woes that many of us suffer during the cold Michigan winters.  They have recently started a line that adds almond milk to the bar resulting in a soft, creamy feel makes you want your shower to never end.

The lip balms are smooth, with no greasy feel to them at all.  The "flavors" are bright and exciting. And the candles.....ooooohhhh the candles.  They smell so luxurious and are made with soy wax to minimize the carbon footprint left by those candles made with parrafin wax.  They also choose not to add any colorants to their candles because "they contain unknown chemicals and are not necessary".

But you do not need to take my word for can check out all these other bloggers who were provided products and see what they thought.  Petoskey and Pine provided their choice of soap or candle as well as a lip balm for each requesting only for an honest review of their products.  

Nichole of Cookaholic Wife
Sarah of The Pajama Chef
Rebekah of Making Miracles
Traci of Burnt Apple
Anshie of Spice Roots
Shilpi of Simply Veggies

Trust me when I say that I would not have put these products out there without having faith that they were the ultimate in quality and value.   I am so happy that Petoskey and Pine have given us an opportunity to share these great products with our readers.  Three of you will be winners this week.  One lucky winner will be winning a gift box containing 2 soaps, a candle and a lip balm.  The other 2 winners will receive a beautiful wooden soap dish containing a bar of soap all wrapped up and topped with a flower.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A great post. Wish I could enter to win!! I am putting together my list of products I want. It is so hard to pick.

    1. It is a hard choice. You can always have the kids enter to win one for you!!!

    2. Never thought of that Wendy!


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