
Monday, March 2, 2015

Meatless Monday Breakfast for Dinner

Today is Meatless Monday, the day each week that I try to feed my family of carnivores something other than beef, pork, chicken or fish.  Every Monday they roll their eyes at my offering, eat it grudgingly and then sheepishly admit that it was better than they expected.  I've gotta say....this can hurt a girl's feelings when all she is trying to do is include a little bit healthier fare into their lives.

But tonight it was different.  Tonight there were no sighs...there were no eye rolls.  There was an "Oh, this kind of reminds me of a dish from home" from Ting and a "very good, dear" from Frank.  It made my heart sing.  Perhaps I should do breakfast for dinner more often on Meatless Mondays.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you are aware that we raise laying hens (and other animals as well).   It is coooooold here so our layers are not laying as well as they do when the weather is nice but they are still giving me 2 or 3 eggs each day so we are not lacking.  Normally, we have more eggs than we know what to do with so my sister in love, Mary, sent me this cookbook that she found in California.

My meal for today was taken from this book.  I have made many frittatas and they always turn out well but I had all the ingredients on hand for this recipe and so decided to give it a go, with adaptations, of course.

The recipe called for fresh basil and Mozzarella.  I used Gourmet Garden Basil and packaged, shredded Mozzarella.  The recipe also called for 10 eggs but I only had 8 although one was a double yoker so I guess I had 8 1/2.   I also sprinkled the top with Parmesan cheese before baking.  It was delcious.  Light and fluffy and chock full of goodies.

Combine the tomatoes, Mozzarella and basil in a bowl.
Season with salt and pepper, set aside.

Whisk together the eggs and cream with a little salt and pepper.

Start it off on the stovetop over med low heat.
When the edges start to set, place it in the oven to finish cooking,

I had a beer bread mix in my pantry that I had bought at a fundraiser from Tastefully Simple.
I threw that together earlier in the day.
The mix, some beer and some melted butter.
I don't normally use boxed bread mixes but this was delicious.

While the Frittata baked,  I grabbed what fruit I had and made a quick salad.

Dinner is served.

Cherry Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Frittata
adapted from Eggs by Jodi Liano

1 bunch fresh basil, chopped or 1 T. Gourmet Garden Basil.
1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
1 c. shredded Mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste
8 eggs
1 T. heavy cream
1 T. extra virgin olive oil

Mix together basil, cheese and tomatoes in a small bowl, season with salt and pepper.  Set aside. In another bowl whisk together the eggs and cream, season with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil over med low heat in an oven safe 10" round skillet.  Add the egg mixture and stir gently, without scrambling, until eggs begin to set.  Add the tomatoe mixture and gently combine with the eggs.  Let cook over med low heat until the edges begin to set.  Place in a preheated 350* oven and bake until the eggs are set and firm in the middle, about 5 minutes.  Cut into wedges and serve.  Print Recipe


  1. Since we eat meatless on Fridays during Lent, I'm always on the hunt for new recipes that the picky hubby would eat. Your frittata is PERFECT!!!

    1. Great Liz....we go meatless on Fridays to but we usually hit up our parish fish fry.

  2. I have a frittata on my menu this week as well. And French toast for supper next week. The kids love breakfast for supper since I don't make breakfast. Yours looks wonderful.

    1. We don't have it for dinner very often but I don't know why because everyone seems to love breakfast foods


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