
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CLUE--Something Sparkly

For this months Blogger's CLUE Society we were given the theme sparkley and I was assigned to Kate's Kitchen to snoop around and find a recipe that fit the theme.

CLUE logo

Kate is a midwest girl like me.  She resides in Indiana.  She works as a financial advisor and she loves to cook along with her husband who is not only her sous chef but her chief taster and bottle washer as well.  Kate is also our fearless leader of this fun group.

Now I made a sparkly recipe to showcase today but I had forgotten that Sparkly was for Blogger's CLUE Society and that you had to showcase another blogger's recipe.  So I blogged about my sparkly recipe anyway and I figured that whoever is assigned my blog should be very grateful that they will easily find a sparkly dish.

My assignment was not so easy.  Kate has a ton, and I mean a TON, of recipes.  I started perusing them looking for something "sparkly" but I kept getting distracted and clicking to recipes that sounded good (nearly all of them) and then reading and planning meals around those...none of which filled the bill for "sparkly".

Then I found a trio of recipes that created a dinner that made a "5" in Kate's and her husband's opinions.  A 5 is the highest score given in their kitchen so I was extremely excited that one of the dishes made for that dinner was a fingerling potato salad with a champagne vinaigrette.  BINGO---Bubbly, Sparkly Champagne that has turned into vinegar.  I think that counts....don't you?

I made Kate's recipe almost exactly as written except that I was out of dijon mustard.  I did however have some Champagne Honey I added a little more sparkly to the mix.

I served this potato salad with Cod in a Putenesca Sauce and Garlic Green Beans.  May family gave it a "5" as well.  I think yours will too.

Fingerling potatoes, Champagne Wine Vinegar, Scallion, Shallots, Champagne Honey Mustard, Olive Oil, Salt and Pepper.  How easy is that??

As the potatoes cook, whisk the rest of the ingredients together to make the vinaigrette.

When the potatoes are done cooking, slice them into coins and toss in vinaigrette while still warm.

Potato Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette
very slightly adapted from Kate's Kitchen

1 lb fingerling potatoes
generous amount of salt added to boiling water
2 T. Champagne vinegar
2 t. Champagne honey mustard
1/4 c. extra virgin olive oil
2 scallions, thinly sliced
1 shallot, minced
salt and pepper to taste

Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork.

While potatoes are cooking, whisk together remaining ingredients in a small bowl.

When potatoes are tender, immediately drain them and cut into coins.  Toss with dressing while still warm.  Print Recipe

Visit our other members for their Recipes that Sparkle!!


  1. I love the sound of the champagne vinaigrette! What a great potato salad.... could eat it right now for breakfast. :)

  2. I love a mayo free potato salad--what a yummy recipe!! Great choice!

    1. Yes Liz, this would be great for a summer get together as well. You wouldn't have to worry as it is weather friendly.

  3. My daughter is New to food blogging. I think she would love to be a member of the bloggers c.l.u.e. society. How do you go about joining?

    1. Hi Mommar, I have contacted our fearless leader, Liz, and she will be responding to you. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Hi, mommar6! I'm one of the moderators of the group. If you email me your daughter's blog, we'll check it out. She would have to have a good number of recipes already posted to make a it a good fit due to our monthly themes. Thanks so much for your interest. Liz ( AT

    3. Thank you both. She just started on January 1st so she only has 21 recipes posted so far. I guess she will have to wait a little bit then. I'd still love for you to see what she is doing. She has challenged the cooks in our family to a virtual Super Bowl throwdown. We looking forward to seeing what all gets posted for that!

  4. Replies
    1. It was good Paula and easy peasy which makes it a hit for me as you know.

  5. I'm loving the recipe and yay for a great side dish to keep in my back pocket for entertaining. Pinned

  6. Kate has such wonderful recipes and I bet it was challenging to decide! This looks simply divine. Great blogger clue society choice!

  7. I could happily make this a main course. Love the bright flavors of the champagne vinaigrette!

    1. Delicious, easy and appealing to the eye (even though my photos are lacking). Everything you could want in a recipe.

  8. Potato salads in vinaigrettes are my favorite kind - this sounds SOOOOO good. On my to-make list! :)

  9. Oh, this sounds like a fabulous menu, Wendy! I'm so glad you chose this recipe!! I love how vinaigrette absorbs into the potatoes...

    1. Thanks for the great recipe Kate. I enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to returning.

  10. What a great twist on the whole sparkly theme, Wendy.

  11. Love the sparkly twist to this potato salad! It feels so much fancier than a regular potato salad :) Perfect to herald in the new year!

  12. I love a potato salad without mayo, and using mustard and champagne vinegar makes it even better! I'll have to make this soon.

    1. It was delicious Anna. I am sure you will be pleased with it.


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