
Friday, December 19, 2014

Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him.

Today is 5 Minute Friday, hosted by Kate who asks us this week to take just 5 minutes out of our super busy schedules and breathe.....and write.  Write as if no one were reading it.  Write what is on your mind and heart.  Worry not about grammar or punctuation.  Just close your eyes, take a cleansing breath, think about the prompt and what it means to you.....and then....write.

Today's prompt is ADORE.


Fall on your knees...oh hear the angel's voices...

These are the words that came to my mind upon the prompt adore.

It is a few days it will be Christmas...

This is the time, given to us by the church, to prepare ourselves for the birth of our Lord.  To prepare ourselves to adore and glorify him.  This is the time given to us by the media and the businesses to prepare to stress out and spend lots of money.  I don't adore that and I don't know why we allow them to get in the way of our adoration of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who is born to us next week to redeem each and every one of us.  You know why??  Because He adores us!  He loves us more than we can ever imagine.  I a few short months we will celebrate just how much He loves us as we watch Him die for us upon that cross.

That, my friends, is the real reason we celebrate His birth.  A birth that would mean nothing if not for the death that is to follow.



  1. Yes, I love the way you put our adoration at Christmas side by side with the adoration of Him dying for us on the cross. This really does bring the whole season into perspective. Wishing you and yours a joyful time this year. From #fmfparty

    1. Thanks Ruth, for your kind words and for stopping by. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. I don't know how you remain so positive in life. But I am glad that you do.....

  3. This is a lovely post about adoration. Both in living and in dying, Jesus taught us that we need not be afraid of secular authorities. His death on the cross and resurrection prove that. To me, He IS the Prince of Peace, and no matter when He was born, I'm happy to celebrate His birth.


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