
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday Words

Yesterday nothing went according to plan.  Not from the moment we awoke until we finally fell into bed.

Yep, This is the kind of day we had.

As a result, my dinner party was canceled and we ordered in pizza and chicken for dinner.  I missed my lunch with my friend, Cathy, who was down state for the day, I missed zumba class and my posts were minimal.  I did mark in my food intake on my Quest for Fitness but it was a very abbreviated post and I spent 5 minutes on my 31 Day Challenge.

Today we were originally supposed to fly a couple to Mackinac Island but that has been canceled. Ting is going to apply for a job today so I will have Little Miss all to myself for a couple of hours.
Mary has lunch plans with some of her friends and Larnzy is getting together with our brother, Gary, for a few hours.

One year ago~~ Monday, Monday and Scavenger Hunt


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