
Friday, September 12, 2014

Woohoooo...We Hit the Jackpot with #10daysoftailgate

I got not 1, not 2 but 3..yes THREE packages today from sponsors of the 10 Days of Tailgate Event, hosted by Camilla, of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  Just wait until you see what a great job she has done coordinating this event. It is going to be fabulous.  There are tons of sponsors and gifts to give away and it is all happening right here for the last 10 days of the month!!

When I got home this afternoon, I found this package waiting for me.

Inside, kept safely frozen with dry ice, I found 3 great duck products from Maple Leaf Farms.

I have a pretty good idea of which dish is going to include the Duck Bacon.

And I have plans all made for the Ground Duck.

But I am going to have to put my thinking chef's hat on and decide what I will make with the Duck Fat that they sent.  I am very excited to try a new product.  I feel like I just opened the basket on Chopped.

Thank you Maple Leaf Farms for your generosity and support.

Then, later in the day, the man in the brown truck showed up with 2 more packages!!

I opened my mustard package first.

Look at all these great flavors.
I cannot wait to start experimenting and creating with them.

Thank you El Diablo....You are the bomb!!

The last package was a surprise for me.  I don't know how I missed this sponsor in all the information Camilla has posted but I did so it was kind of like my birthday.

It was a large package but very light so it had me guessing what it could hold

Imagine my delight when I found this incredible Grilling Skillet!
Those of you who follow me know how much I love grilling my sides for dinner.
I think I know exactly which 10 Days of Tailgate recipe I will use this sweetie for!!

Thank you Mr. Bar-B-Q.
What a wonderful addition to our event and what a perfect sponsor you are for a tailgate!!


  1. That's great, Wendy. I'm looking forward to learning more about this blogging stuff when we get together. See you real soon.

  2. Happy, happy mail day!! So excited for #10DaysofTailgate! :D

  3. I would say that you definitely hit the jackpot here!!

    1. This is a very cool event I signed up for Paula. I am anxious to start posting.

    2. I can't wait to hear all about it.


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