
Monday, September 8, 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

I found a new little meme in which to participate, thanks to my friend, Paula, of Snippets, Smidgens and Bits.  So I jumped over to Peggy at the Simple Woman's Blog and joined in.  This is a great little format to tell you about my Day in the Life on the Farm.

Outside my Window....The sun is shining, there is a beautiful breeze.  I can hear my windchimes and the birds making music. I can see my flag blowing in the wind and cars driving past heading to their errands.

I am Thinking.....What a great day to be alive...and that, of course, makes me start singing the Travis Tritt song, which makes me smile.

I am Thankful.....For the approaching fall and the beautiful weather we have been enjoying.

In the Kitchen....are all the canned goods that I worked on this past week and need to label and put in the pantry.

I am workout clothes.  I just got home from the gym where I have been spending a lot of time lately on My Quest for Fitness.

I am creating....a ton of recipes to post during the #10daysoftailgate.  Take a look at our Pinterest Board.

I am the first Parish Council Meeting of the season tonight.

I am wondering....what Mom is going to think tomorrow morning when she can't find her shoes.  I took her shopping today after the gym and bought her some new shoes that she hated because they don't have 6" heels.  I know you think I am lying and that no 93 year old woman would want 6" heels and all I can tell you is that you don't know my mother.  I made her get "sensible shoes" and she WAS NOT HAPPY.  She kept complaining about how big and clunky they were.  I took her to lunch and she forgot all about the shoes but I know in the morning she is going to insist that those are not her shoes because she would never get such ugly shoes!!

I am Reading....The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.  This is the second book I am reading by this Author and I am really enjoying it.  I think I have found a new author to follow.

The Forgotten Garden: A Novel

I am Hoping.....That we are able to stick to our budget plan and Frank can retire in the next couple of years.

I am Looking Forward granddaughter entering the world...any day now!!

I am Learning....well, I was going to be learning how to skate on Wednesday but the instructor is not available so hopefully I will be learning to skate next week.

Around the House....We are getting ready to celebrate our Son in Law's birthday on Wednesday evening.

I am Pondering....what life will be like if/when Frank does get to retire.

A Favorite Quote for Today....

One of my Favorite Things....Fall weather, the crunch of leaves under your hiking boots, the smell of bonfires and cinnamon and pumpkin.  That is all one thing to me "Autumn".

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week....I am working out each day, Wednesday we are having guest's over, Thursday is choir practice and the weekend is busy with dinner and party invitations that we have accepted.

A Peek into my Day....I was up at 6:30, had my coffee and checked my emails.  Then I showered before going to the gym to workout. (yes, I know it makes no sense to shower before my workout, but I had to shave).  After the gym, Kim and I went and picked Mom up from the Memory Care Center and took her shopping for shoes and out to lunch at Panera Bread.  Returned Mom, stopped at the grocery store so Kim could pick up a few items and now I am wasting time on the computer. When I am done here, I will shower again and make dinner before heading out for the Parish Council Meeting tonight.

One year ago- Celebration Sunday


  1. I loved your day book ! Your description of your mom made me laugh a lot . I told my son if I am 93 and can handle 6" heels you should let me. He was like Which is laughable since I can't do them at 44!
    Congrats on the grandbaby ! Ours was due Christmas day 2013, she showed up late (on the 30th) So we have a very active 8 month old who bring us great joy , some days mostly at naptime (;-)) but we love her!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and your kind words. I am very excited and I am sure I will be looking forward to nap time also LOL.

  2. Look at all your canned goodness! I bet the feeling is rewarding :) How are you liking your current read? I'm always looking for a new book; I love books!

    Sparrow's Day Book

    1. Thank you Claudia, it is a rewarding feeling especially when you can have that garden goodness in the middle of winter. I am really enjoying this book and I like Kate Morton as an author.


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