
Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up...

When I left you, late last night, I had shared our drive up to Northern Canada where we were to attend Frank's family reunion.  Then the day got the better of me and I needed to get some rest, but I am back now and ready to share the rest of our trip.  I'll bet you can't wait!!!

Saturday was the day of the Family Reunion (aka The Corn Roast).   We met with Frank's cousin, Chubs (Clarence) and his wife, Shirley, who were hosting the Corn Roast for breakfast at the little restaurant adjacent to our Motel.  We ordered the apple pancakes.  They contained cinnamon and shredded apples...can you say delicious!  I will definitely be experimenting to replicate this recipe.

After breakfast, we braved the rain and headed to the local Farmer's Market. 

It was small and quaint.
We bought homemade cookies, glazed fruit tarts and homemade jams.

We also bought homemade dog treats from Frank's cousin's daughter.
She is behind the counter in the purple jacket.
The dog's were very happy that we brought them home a treat.

Then we went into town and did some shopping at the local artisan shops.  I bought another wine stopper for my collection and will be posting on that another time.  When we were done shopping we stopped by the Train Museum, before heading to the Corn Roast.

It was interesting to learn about Frank's family history.

The rain cleared up just in time for the party.  We arrived a little bit early and were able to help with the set up and food prep.  What a warm, welcoming family we belong too!!  It was a great time and we look forward to next year.

The Venue

The Prep work

Let's Eat.

Let's play some music!

Let's Dance

Frank joins in on his harmonica.

Let's finish up with a square dance!!


  1. What a fun trip! I love the barn...looks like my grandfather-in-law's.

  2. Great pics!!! I was the silly guitar player who sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game".

    1. I could never forget you Andy. Thanks for stopping by and thank you even more for such a wonderful day and night. It was very nice to meet you. I look forward to seeing you again next year.


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