
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

You Gotta Have Faith....

Especially when you are a care giver.  You have to have faith that the Lord will not give you more than you can handle.  You've got to have faith that you are stronger than you believe yourself to be.  You've got to have faith that when the person you care for leaves you they go onto a better place where there is no pain or illness or confusion. Where they are embraced by God and made whole once again.  You Gotta Have Faith.

My niece, Natasha, who lives in California, made and sent me this beautiful sign that hangs proudly in my living room to remind me that You Gotta Have Faith.  You can learn why she chose to bless me with this at my earlier post.

Today is One Word Wednesday and our word case you haven't Faith.  Please visit here to find out more about One Word Wednesday hosted by my friend Lisa Moles.

This is an especially poignant word this week since our mutual friend, Paula, just lost her husband for whom she had been a caregiver.  We all are caregivers to our spouses but it takes on a different meaning when that spouse, who always walked by your side and returned care back to you, is no longer able to be the life partner you once had.  Or when a parent, who was your caregiver for so many years is now in a position to need to be given care.  Or when a child who is supposed to grow up and away from you as you give him care will always require a care giver.  These are the times that require faith.  These are the times that you need to rely on the Lord to see you through.  Because otherwise you would despair.....and that is a dark, lonely place to be. 

Some of us have found comfort in sharing our journey at One Word Wednesday.  We find support and hugs, laughter and prayers.  We find a community of caregivers who are just taking it one day at a time and maintaining their faith.  Please stop by and share your journey with us.


  1. My heart is breaking for Paula. I can't imagine how much she misses him. I always loved their love story. I know she has faith and I feel sure she will lean on it during this awful time. I'm glad she's got those grands to be with her so they can support each other. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to one of the most inspirational caregivers ever. You are an amazing woman.


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