
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Our trip in a (coco)nut shell.

We had a wonderful time with all the family on our cruise to celebrate Mom Klik's 90th Birthday.

Day 1

Upon arrival to our room we were met by Senor Frog.
We were starving so we immediately went to get food.
We met up with Roz and Ron and had a couple of drinks.
We toured the ship before dinner.
Each evening we all met for dinner so that at least once a day we were all spending time together.
After dinner we all split up, some went to the casino, some went to Salsa dancing lessons and Nicole, Pierre, Frank and I went to the welcome show.
After the show we met up with the others who had gone to the bar for Salsa lessons and joined them on the dance floor for a while before crashing for the night.

Day 2

Frank and I were up and off the ship bright and early for diving.

We dove a wreck.

and a wall.

We met this big guy!

And learned how they are growing coral on these trees they made.
They take pieces of healthy coral, place them on a tree in a location that encourages growth and strength and then transplant them throughout the ocean  floor.

Ray came by to say Hi.

And this pretty bouquet of anemone waved goodbye as we left.

Day 3

This final day was spent taking family photos.

Mom Klik had fallen the day before our trip.
We think she just wanted to show up Anthony's tattoo!!

 Frank called for a family photo just so he could dress like a Polock.
He is weird like that.
I kept my distance from him and stayed close to my Amy who looked beautiful!!

And here we are in the real family photo.
Rebecca, Dan, Frank, Ron, Amy, Nicole, Anthony.
Mom, Me, Roz, Pierre
Danielle, Jennifer.

Good bye Norwegian Sky.
Thank you for the memories!!

Linking up with List it Tuesday.  What's on your list today??


  1. OH . MY . GOD !!!!

    The towel art was just wonderful. It has been soooo many years since I went on a cruise. I forgot that they did things like that. How fun !!!

  2. It was a wonderful time. We should plan a blogger cruise and then we could all get to know each other in person.

  3. I love those towel buddies. And the dive pictures. I would be freaked out by the bigger sea life...I'm a chlorinated pool kind of gal! But I'd like to see it in a submarine or a cage or a glass-bottom boat! So glad you posted these. I assumed you'd have a great time.

    1. We did Lisa, it was nice to have the whole family together for a few days.

  4. I'm in when it comes time for a blogger cruise. Wouldn't that be a blast? I can't go right now but my day will come. Thanks for sharing yours with us

    1. Yes it will and I really think we should do it one day!!

  5. Since I am related to many of these people, please identify each (first/last name), and relationship in the second family photo. I can identify you and Frank, Ron and Roz, and Aunt Jane, In case you are wondering. I am Anastasia Klik's grandaughter, daughter of Mary. We lived in Port Clinton without benefit of being surrounded by the relatives and traditions. Thanks.

    1. Hi Kathleen. I don't know if I have had the pleasure of meeting you in person. Perhaps at one of the family reunions we hosted? There were so many new faces that it was hard for me to keep track.
      Thanks so much for following my blog.
      The photo, top line is Dan's wife Rebecca Klik, followed by Dan who is the younger brother of Roz and Frank. Then you have Frank, Roz's husband Ron Suwinski, my eldest, Amy Moore, Frank's children, Nicole and Anthony.
      Next row is Mom, me, Roz and Nicole's husband, Pierre Kamel.
      Bottom row is Dan's daughter, Danielle and my niece, Jennifer Kaastra.
      Frank has a photo of your grandmother and 2 unidentified gentlemen from the last reunion that we are happy to email to you if you supply an email address.
      Talk to you soon.

    2. Oh Kathy, this is to Mom and Roz were over for dinner last night and Roz looked at me like I was nuts when I told her Anastasia's granddaughter contacted me. She says, yes, that is Kathy Benya....and then we started cracking up....I guess my brain doesn't compute sometimes LOL. So just disregard my first paragraph in the above answer and the photo probably came from you but if it didn't we can still send you a copy. If it did, do you know who the guys are with your Grandma??


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