
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Steak Grillades

Today was a pretty good day.  I laid around in bed reading for a while before getting up and starting on my Patriotic Trifle for Frank's class he was holding today.  I took care of the chickens, straightened the house and played on the computer for a while.

Dawn called to let me know that she had been to see Mom and that Mom was doing very well today.  She and Dawn were sitting outside and after a while Mom said she better get inside and see what "her gang" was up to.  That gives us a great sense of relief.  Amy also stopped in to see Mom today and reported that all was well.  Amy also asked if I had been there because Mom said she had seen me this morning.  When Amy said she thought that it was Dawn who was there this morning, Mom replied "No, it was Wendy and some guy".  I was happy to take the day off today.  Frank and I will be stopping to visit with Mom tomorrow on our way to Amy's house for dinner.

While I was making dinner, Frank's cousin John and his son, Brian, stopped by so they joined us.  Our dinner tonight was Steak Grillades, Cheese Noodles and Tomatoes with Mozzarella and Pesto.  Of course, we enjoyed leftover Trifle for dessert.

The Steak Grillade and Cheese Noodle recipe is one that I adapted from a recipe in Cuisine at Home, surprise, surprise!!  I was going to steam some green beans but they didn't look too good when I pulled them out of the refrigerator so they went to the chickens.  When John arrived he brought some Tomatoes with him so I sliced those up, layered them with Mozzarella and drizzled them with the Pesto I had made a couple of weeks ago.

After dinner, Frank and I went for a 2.5 mile walk to work off some of that trifle and now we are just going to kick back and continue enjoying our Saturday.

The Cheese Noodles are simply tossed with butter and cheese.
They make a great base for the Steak Grillades.

Cheese Noodles
adapted from Cuisine at Home, Issue #45.

12 oz. Egg Noodles, cooked to package directions
2 T. butter
3/4 c. Colby Jack cheese, shredded

Toss hot noodles with butter and cheese.  Season with Salt and Pepper to taste.  Serve immediately.
Print Recipe

Steak Grillades
adapted from Cuisine at Home, Issue #45

1.5 lb. Round Steak cut into thin slices
2 T. flour 
2 t. salt
1 t. paprika
4-5 grinds fresh black pepper
dash of cayenne pepper
1 t. oregano
4 strips thick sliced bacon, diced
1 med. onion, sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, sliced
1 red bell pepper, sliced
1/2 c. red wine
1/2 c. broth ( I usually use beef but today I used vegetable)
1 tomato, diced
chopped parsley

Place flour and seasonings in a plastic bag.  Add steak slices and shake well.

Saute bacon in large skillet over med high heat until crisp.  Remove from pan and set aside to drain.

Saute onions and peppers in bacon grease for a few minutes.  Add seasoned beef strips and saute until brown, stirring occasionally.  Return bacon to pan and deglaze pan with wine, scraping up any bits stuck to the pan.  Add the broth and bring to a boil.  Simmer for a few minutes until sauce thickens.

Serve over Cheese Noodles and garnish with tomatoes and parsley  Print Recipe

This is a great way to stretch your grocery dollars. It uses an inexpensive cut of meat and I easily fed 5 adults and had leftovers for lunch the next day.  

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