
Friday, June 13, 2014

Forgive Myself Friday

Yesterday was pretty much a useless day for me.  I went and saw Mom in the morning and she was not happy...we had a decent visit and she did cheer up.  We went for a walk, we sat outside for a bit and we played some cards.  Then it was time for her shower which was good because when she asked to leave with me I could tell her that I was going to do some running around while she showered and I would be back.  That seemed to satisfy her.

I came home and ate a big bowl of corn chips covered with chili and cheese then I had a swiss miss cake, drank some milk out of the carton and went to bed for a exercise, no fruits and vegetables, no housework...just a nap.

When I awoke from the nap, Amy and I went to visit Mom again.  The afternoon visit went better and we left as she was sitting down to dinner.  She kissed us goodbye and had no complaints at all.

Dinner last night was left over beef from the French Dip smothered in gravy over bread, mashed potatoes, corn and cucumber/tomato salad.  After dinner, I again did nothing but sit and watch tv, had 3 glasses of wine and had Frank make me a hot fudge sundae after reading my friend Paula's post over at Smidgens, Snippets and Bits.

No Photo of the Day Challenge or pampering myself as prompted, no blog posts, nothing at all productive.

I had disturbing dreams all night and awoke this morning beating myself up....but I am done now and I am going to Forgive Myself this Friday for being human and stumbling and falling.  I am going  to pick myself up and today is going to be a good day!!

I will be back later to let you know exactly what I was able to accomplish with my new attitude.  Right now I am going to spend some time with my Lord thanking Him for His constant goodness.

**Note: Things are already turning around, as I was getting ready to leave my blog dashboard I saw the post for Five Minute Fridays that I participate in each week and had forgotten about.  I jumped there very quickly to see what the prompt was for today and there wasn't a single word but there was the message that we have to accept ourselves and our gifts right where we are at this moment.  I love when God speaks to me!!  Stop by Five Minute Friday and see what He has talked to others about today.


  1. Yes, isn't it true that we can choose our attitude each day and what an important message to remember that we are messengers in everything we do!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the idea of "Forgive myself Friday". I can daily feel like I am failing at my goals. I often ask others for forgiveness but forget to forgive myself! Stopping by from 5 Minute Friday and I will be back!

    1. Hi Chrissy, isn't it funny how easy it is for us to forgive others but how we are so hard and unforgiving of ourselves and just keep beating ourselves up over and over again? I have to make a conscious effort to stop myself when I am doing this. I am so glad you stopped by and look forward to seeing you again.

  3. We are always hardest on ourselves, aren't we. It will be hard for you Wendy. Probably every day. I don't want to be a Dorothy Downer but every time I walked out of the nursing home after seeing my mom I had to remind myself that there was no way I could take care of her at home. Just go each day and love her. And forgive yourself each day as you walk to the car. That is ALL you can do. You will feel the guilt no matter what. But maybe soon you will really feel the forgiveness as well

    1. Thanks Paula, I appreciate all your words of wisdom. It helps having someone who has gone through this to share it with me.

  4. The first day is the hardest. You are on track. Forgiveness of self is good. It is a reminder I need and I am about 3 years ahead of you on this journey.


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