
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday 9 in Honor of Memorial Day

I was over visiting Kwizgiver and was intrigued by the meme she did today honoring Memorial Day so I went over to Saturday 9 and linked up so I could play along.  Join us, won't you?

1) Are you a veteran? Are there veterans in your family? (We are grateful and want to hear about it.) I am not a  veteran but I come from a family of veterans and I married a man who is a veteran and comes from a family of veterans.  Currently our son, Chuck, is serving in the Navy and Frank's brother, Dan, is in the Air National Guard as a Reserve.

2) Memorial Day also kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food? Hamburgers and Corn on the Cob.

3) Let's celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with ice cream. What's your favorite flavor? Jamoca Almond Fudge from Baskin Robbins.

4) This marks the weekend when Americans step up their outdoor activity and do things they may not have been able to do during the winter months. For example, when is the last time you rode a bike? April 21st and it was a marathon ride!!

5) Or went hiking? I love hiking but it has been a while, my last walk in the woods was on April 12th while Mom was getting her massage.

6) Or rode a horse? I also love horseback riding but it has been at least a year since we have gone.

7) Or toasted a marshmallow? Last fall during our bonfires.  We love S'mores around here.

8) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or window fan on?  Nope, but the windows are open today.

9) Crazy Sam needs your help: What song or a performer would you like to see featured in a Saturday 9 this summer? I love Billy Joel.


  1. ooo! Billy Joel! I concur! :)

  2. Billy Joel's "Innocent Man" tour was my very first concert. So awesome!

    1. He is awesome. Thanks for linking up and reminding me about Saturday 9.

  3. Wow! You come from a veteran-rich family. You must be so proud! Hats off to them all!

    1. I am very proud. Both of our fathers served in WWII. Frank and my brother Gary served in Vietnam. My brother, Larry was in the Navy and now we have the 2 that are currently serving. Thanks for stopping by Helena.

  4. I love Billy Joel, too. Many thanks to your family for their service to our country.

    1. Yay, another vote for Billy Joel. Thanks so much for stopping by and for acknowledging our veterans.

  5. I've got this corn on the cob in my fridge that I keep forgetting to make. Maybe I'll make it tonight.

    1. Enjoy it Harriet, it is too early for us to get corn yet in Michigan. Our season is in August. Thanks for stopping by!


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