
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Sleep Eludes Me

Another sleepless night....well, not sleepless exactly....I fall to sleep easily enough and I sleep soundly until I awaken between 2 and 4 am.  Then I lie here, wide awake...I read, I play games on my phone, I check emails, I go on facebook, I look at pinterest and before you know is 6 am and the day has begun.  The dogs want out and to be fed, the baby chicks need care, Ting is getting up for work and life has started.

This occurs more often than not in my life.  I don't normally feel tired during the just confounds me because I ALWAYS needed at least 8 hrs of sleep and now my body seems to function fine on less.  I still am ready for bed each night by 10 pm but my body rhythm seems to have changed.

Oh well, Mom is at Dawn's so I can lounge around with my book and if I fall back to sleep it will be a bonus.  Last night I started reading Every Last Cuckoo by Kate Maloy.  So far I am enjoying it.  As I mentioned in my last book review, the last two books I read had characters who I did not like at all so I am pleased that, so far, I like each character that has been introduced in this novel.

It should be a quiet day today, my schedule is clear...I need to call and make Mom a dentist appt but other than that there is nothing pressing that must be done.

Dick is picking Mom up this evening and taking her out to dinner.  Afterwards he will drop her off with Ting here at home.  We are going to the Fisher Theatre to see Sister Act.  I am looking forward to it.  We are picking John up and then Kirsten is meeting us at J Baldwins Restaurant which is very close to her work.  After dinner we will head to the theatre where we will meet up with several of our friends from choir as well as the students who are in choir at our parish High School. It's going to be a fun night.  I will let you know how the play was tomorrow.  See you then.


  1. I have the exact same sleep pattern. It is the most frustrating thing. I have tried Tylenol PM and Benadryl, but they put me in such a funk for two days after. Ugh! You have my sympathy and prayers. Enjoy the theatre

    1. It is kind of like when you had babies in the house and slept on eggshells listening to hear them breathe....

  2. I will chime right in with you two! Except I don't usually go to sleep until almost 2 and then I always awake around 4 and off and on sleep until the kids get up at 6...then once they are out the door Richard and I snooze until 9-10. I feel like I am wasting my life away...


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