
Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 1 in Paradise

Up and at em at 4 AM this morning.  Got to the airport and off we went into the wild blue yonder.  We landed in Grand Cayman on schedule, right around noon.  And then we stood in line at immigrations for what seemed like forever.  We finally got to the resort around 2 pm and we were starving!!!  So we took our bags to the room, introduced ourselves to the bartender, Jose, whose specialty is Grand Cayman Lemonade. Quite tasty I might add.  We had a couple of those and I had shrimp quesadillas that were delicious.  At 3 pm we had orientation from the resort and dive shop, after which we returned to the room, got all our gear and registered for diving.


Many of our group geared up and went in for a shore dive but we had already imbibed so no diving for us.

 Instead we went to the pool and had another one of Jose's lemonades.

And enjoyed the view.

And Sunbathed.

Now we are back at the room, cleaning up and getting ready for dinner.
I have a feeling it will be an early night.
Dive Boat leaves at 8 AM.


  1. It's so beautiful! Can't wait to see the dive footage and hopefully a picture of you guys all gussied up for dinner!!!

    1. Oh shoot Lisa, I saw this after we got back from dinner and of course I didn't take any pics. Maybe tonight.

  2. Beautiful. And I wish I was there having one of those lemonades with you. Thanks for letting me take the trip with you virtually!!

    1. Happy to have you here virtually Paula but I wish it were personally.


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