
Monday, March 10, 2014

Shamrock Cheesecakes

When I was at Joann's the other day I came across these adorable silicone shamrock molds.

I immediately was reminded of the Conversation Heart Cheesecakes I served for my Valentine Dinner.

They were extremely well received so I thought Shamrock Cheesecakes would be perfect for my St. Pat's Dinner.  I changed up the recipe to use items that I had on hand and to also size it for the amount of cheesecakes I wanted to make.

First I made an oreo cookie crust.

And then filled the molds with my cheesecake batter dyed green.

I think it turned out pretty cute.

Individual Shamrock Cheesecakes

1 sleeve oreo cookies (about 12-15)
4 T. butter melted
1 (8 oz pkg.) Neufchatel Cream Cheese
1/2 c. sugar
2 eggs
heaping 1/4 cup of sour cream
green food coloring

Place cookies in food processor and pulse until crumbles.  Add melted butter and pulse until combined. Place a spoonful of oreo dough in the bottom of each mold and press to cover evenly.  You will have enough for 2 (6 shamrock) molds.

Place cream cheese and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat until light and fluffy.  Add the eggs and sour cream and beat until combined.  Filling will be loose. Add green food coloring< a drop at a time, stirring after each until desired color is reached.  Place 1/3 c. filling into each shamrock mold.

Bake in a water bath at 325* for 22-25 minutes.  Let cool at room temperature for an hour.  Cover each 6 piece mold with a paper towel and place in freezer for at least 2 hrs.  Shamrocks will pop right out.  Place in refrigerator if serving in the next day or place back in the freezer until the day you wish to serve them.  Print Recipe


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