
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Five ways I have found to nurture my relationship with God

I have posted several times about how I have pulled myself away from God.  Today I wou.ld like to post how some of the things I do that bring me closer to God.  These are my own personal ways in this journey. Some may work for others and some may not.  But they work for me.  They allow me to cement my relationship with my Lord and to ground me in His goodness.

1. Spending time with God's word.  Each morning I open up an app that I downloaded called Laudate.  This app has a lot of great features but one that I use each day is the Saint of the Day and the Daily Readings.  It is how I try to start each morning in God's presence.

2.  Attending Mass.  Going to Mass, for me, is like going home.  I walk in the familiar doors with the familiar smells and I immediately feel more peaceful.  I like the Traditions and the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.  I enjoy visiting other churches and I admire certain things about many other religions but no place feels more like home to me than the Roman Catholic Church.

3. Helping Others.  I believe we all have a calling from our Lord, that he has supplied each of us with gifts to share with others.  I guess my calling must be care giving.  I feel closer to God when I am helping others. I feel being a mother to my children, a wife to my husband, a caregiver to my parents, a police officer and a volunteer are very important tasks that God has called me to and of which I needed and still need to give in the Glory of his name.

4.  Scuba Diving. I know I have told you this before but I feel closer to God underwater than any where else in the world.  His magnificence is amazing!!

5. Hiking.  I also feel very close to God when I am out in nature hiking.  I don't know how anyone can look at the majesty that surrounds us and not feel God's presence.

I am linking up with List it Tuesday and Thrive at Home Thursday.  See you there!!


  1. All very good ways to nurture your relationship with God! Right now I find myself more of in a fight with God and trying to find my way back. I am sure that you understand.

  2. I do understand and more importantly, God understands!

  3. These are all such wonderful ways to reconnect with God. I too feel so much closer to Him when I'm hiking. I also love to listen to worship music. Praying for you and for Paula. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Tina. I often listen to worship music as I hike. I especially like "There is a God" by Leann Womack when I am hiking. Thanks for stopping by.


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