
Friday, February 28, 2014

The verdict is in....

The doctor today confirmed it.  I am a perfect arsehole LOL.  Everything was fine and I don't have to go through this malarkey for another 10 years.  The original plan was that after the procedure I was going to meet my friend, Sue, for lunch...God was he often does when I make plans.  I had to be given more anesthesia than expected because I kept waking up during the procedure.  I don't remember this so I will have to take the nurse's word for it.  So I was extremely groggy afterwards.  We came home, I ate a bagel and I went to bed.  I am awake now but still lying in bed....I may go back to sleep. I haven't decided yet.


  1. I am glad all is good in this department!

    1. Me too. Mostly I am glad because I have 10 yrs before I have to do this again!!


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