
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Good Bye Goals, You make me Grumpy

Well, I concede....making goals just is not for me.  I have my morning routine, to which I am pretty faithful and I thought having goals would make my life easier...give it more direction, but I have found that is not the case.  Perhaps when I was a young wife and mother it would have been a good idea but I am old and retired and I don't want my life dictated by Goals.  I have managed just fine all these years, getting things done when they needed to get done...meeting deadlines....getting dinner on the table....volunteering for church and school the house....taking care of kids....taking care of parents....spending time with friends....etc, etc., etc.....

I have found that trying to set and meet goals just makes me feel bad about myself.  Instead of acknowledging and appreciating all that I had accomplished each week I was just beating myself up because I had goals that I failed to complete...I know this was not at all what Crystal had in mind when she invited me and others to link up with her.  And I am sure, setting goals is a wonderful thing for so many people and Crystal is doing a great job giving them all a place to get together and share their triumphs and their hardships.  It is just not for me.  But I still would like to thank you Crystal for hosting this valuable site and I do intend to keep joining you for the 12 Months to a Better You Challenge.  I look forward to sharing yours and your readers posts so I will still drop in to offer my love and support.

This is my last link up with MSM for Weekly Goals but I will be back for all her other fabulous posts and links.  See you all there.


  1. I think that is just how some of us roll Wendy. If it is just feeling like another thing that is beating you up, then you are doing the right thing by giving it up. You sound like you do an awesome job without making a list of goals!

  2. That's what I think Paula, different strokes for different folks.

  3. Having a routine is great! You are right, it's not healthy to beat ourselves up for what we didn't do when there has been so much accomplished. Great for all of us to remember.

    1. Thanks Deanna, I am working on being kinder to myself. I am trying to talk to myself as I would talk to a friend.


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