
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Finish this...


I like linking up with Finish This on Wednesdays.  It is a good writing exercise and, especially on days like today when I have been running around all day, it gives me a chance to relax and not have to think to hard about what to write.  I just "Finish This"...

1. I plan on buying… cruise tickets for Mom Klik's 90th Birthday.  Frank is currently on line looking at different cruise lines and what they offer.  I am looking forward to the trip as the whole family will be together to celebrate the life of a very special lady.

2. I give ____ five stars because I give my five stars to Frank because even though he feels lousy with this cold, he never complains and he keeps on keeping on.  He takes care of things here at home, goes to work and takes care of things there and then comes back home and finishes up whatever needs to be done.  He is my hero!!

3. I felt courageous when I apologized the other day when I screwed up.  Admitting that I was wrong is very hard for me.  I think it takes a lot of courage to look honestly at your actions and admit when you are wrong.  It is something with which I struggle and I am always proud of myself when I can apologize without giving excuses or trying to justify my actions.

4. I feel about swimsuit shopping like I do about any other kind of clothes shopping. Every time I go clothes shopping, I beat myself up because I don't take good care of myself.  I don't eat properly, I don't exercise enough, I am not in the same shape that I was in 30 years ago...Then I remind myself of all the wonderful things my body does for me.  I hike.  I scuba dive.  I entertain. I take care of my family. I go dancing. I go kickboxing. I get up each morning and am able to decide what I will do each day.  I am in pretty good shape for the shape I am in so I guess I will quit whining and either change things or accept them for what they are.


  1. HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY TO MOM!!!!! Wow, that's awesome. And a cruise to boot, even cooler! Thanks for joining us this week, hope to see you back next Wednesday. :)

    1. Thanks for hosting Nicole. Mom is very excited about the cruise.

  2. That will be fabulous to go on a cruise with the family to celebrate such a special birthday! And I can't believe that you beat yourself up so about clothes shopping. I would be happy to be in half the shape you are in!!

    1. Ugh Paula, I am beating myself up because I had my annual physical and I am in the worst shape of my life. I weigh more than I ever have and I have no gumption to change cholesterol was 390!!!! The doc started to talk to me about diet and I told her to just give me sad is that!!!!

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate your mom! I'm sure the whole family will treasure the memories you'll!

    1. Thanks Krista, Mom has always said if she won the lottery she would take the whole family on a cruise...we figure having her in our lives makes us richer than any lottery ever could.


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