
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weekly Goal Wednesday once again....

I am linked up with Money Saving Mom for Weekly Goals.  MSM posts her goals each week on Monday, although I didn't see one this week...she must have been to busy being a big tv star!!  She was featured on Good Morning America on Monday so I guess we can forgive her missing her Weekly Goal post that day.

I link up on Wednesdays after I make my goals for the week.  No special reason that I chose Wednesday except that I like the way Weekly Goal Wednesday rolls off of my tongue. 

Every Day Goals

Time with my Lord

Make Bed


Swish and Swipe

Empty dishwasher/Load breakfast dishes


Straighten House

Last Weeks Goals
Clean out Attic in preparation of putting away Christmas items.- I did get some of the attic completed as you can see here.
Take down all Christmas stuff and store in an organized fashion.
Attend 3 kickboxing sessions.
Walk/Run 3 Miles- I did get in 2 miles though.
Sort through and Organize Quilting Supplies

This Weeks Goals

Work some more on organizing the attic.

Attend 3 kickboxing sessions.

Walk/Run 3 Miles. 

Sort through and organize Quilting Supplies.

Okay, okay so they are the exact same weekly goals again this week but C'est La Vie


  1. I got all my Christmas stuff gone through and nicely organized. But I will give the credit to Justin who helped me on Saturday....I'm not doing so hot with my January goals! Oh Well...

    1. Join the crowd....if we did well with them I guess we wouldn't need them LOL.


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