
Friday, January 31, 2014

Today is brought to you by the letter S.

It has been an S kind of day today.  No, not that S word!!!  It has been a good day.  Let me tell you about it.

Sharing- I went to Meijer and met with the manager there.  She advised me that at year end they discovered that they had extra money in their charitable expense account and that our name was on the list of charities to which they wished to donate.  She then proceeded to give me $1500.00 in gift cards for her store.  Yes, that is not a typo.....that is One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars!!!!  I was flabbergasted.

Shopping- I immediately went into the store and filled 2 carts, top and bottom, with stuff for the pantry.  I was able to get fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, fresh bread, cheese.....all the stuff my clients never get.  I also got stuff to restock our shelves with non perishables.  I spent $437 and the employees were very helpful and kind.  This leaves me a lot of money to be able to buy perishables each week for quite a while.

Students- On the way back to the food pantry, I contacted our Parish Secretary and told her that I was on the way with LOTS of food.  She contacted the High School on our campus and 3 strong students were waiting to help me unload all the goodies.

Stocking- Once everything was carried down I had goodies in the freezer, refrigerator and a table full of goodies for my 1st Wednesday crew to shelve this week.
Starving- I left here for Meijer without having had any breakfast, just coffee.  So by the time I was done I was famished.  I could hardly wait to get home.  I figured I would grab a peanut butter sandwich when I walked in the door.
Soup and Sandwich-  Imagine my delight when I walked in the door and found that Frank had lunch on the table for me.  Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese sandwich.  He IS my hero!
Stone Barrington- Is the protagonist in the novel I finished this morning, New York Dead by Stuart Woods.  Stone Barrington is a very human character with very human flaws.  I think I like him...I haven't quite made up my mind.  This is the first in a series of Stone Barrington novels.  I did enjoy it and I do plan on reading the next novel in the series after I finish the three books I have waiting for me.  It was a typical murder mystery.  In this first novel, Stone is a NYPD detective who has never quite fit in and during the story he ends up medically retired.  In reality the department just wanted to get rid of him but Stone wasn't letting go of his last case very easily.......
Say Goodbye-  The next book on my reading list. 


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