
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tapering Down Tuesday

Here it is, Tuesday already, and my last day in sunny California.  Natasha and I walked again this morning and made a date to go at 6:30 am tomorrow so we can have that last time together before I leave. 

We had a very lazy morning, visiting, playing on our computers, reading, watching tv with mom.  Then Mary, Mom and I went out to lunch before Mary had to go get Quinn from school and attend a meeting she had scheduled.

Tonight the whole California family got together for dinner and I gave the "greats" their "Little Christmas" presents.  I am going to miss everyone......

Jack and Quinn loved their gifts.

Natasha, Molly and Chad

You could feel the love in the room.

Good conversations.

Wonderful Hosts

Sharing the Joy

Mom just taking it all in.

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