
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Finish This......

I am linking up with The Coastal Chickster to Finish This....
1. I use my “green thumb” to....kill nearly everything I touch.  I have no plants inside. Outside I have tons of flowers and trees.  Thankfully nature does most of the work and our cousin, Dave, does all the rest.
Frank planting a Maple Tree for me.
We will see if it survived this horrendous Winter!!

 2. The secret to life is....learning to "let it go".  You cannot live your life happily while harboring past hurts, angers and disappointments.  They are in the PAST....Let them go...Give them to God and move on.

 3. I get my money’s worth by......buying local and organic whenever possible.  Not the cheapest method if you are on a tight budget but the healthiest and most sustaining for the community which is very important to me so I feel like even though it costs more I get my money's worth.

 4. On a scale of 1 to 10, my level of organization 8 on the outside and a 2 on the inside.  The parts of my house that you can see appear very organized....That is because I take all the piles that my husband loves and the clutter that gathers, throw them in closets and drawers and slam the door LOL.

 5. A gentleman always...considers the woman's needs first.  I married a perfect gentleman.  I thank God every day and his Mother whenever I see her.

 6. Handwritten notes are...usually to do lists in this household unless they are written inside of a card and then they are love notes.


  1. I have a lot of handwritten notes, I'm a list maker!

    1. Hi Jeannie....what would we do without lists??? I have a cozi app on my phone and that is where I keep all my lists. That way I know that it is always with me.

  2. I was crazy into Cozi for awhile! What size was the box of food that you purchased. I visited their web page but it is kind of expensive! I guess getting organic costs more huh?

    1. I think I got the box for 2 that cook quite often and I asked for delivery every 2 weeks. It is expensive but you do pay more for organic and you also have to pay for the delivery. I don't know if I will stick with it but I will give it a go for at least a few deliveries.

  3. I love your scuba picture and that you throw clutter into hidden places. That's hilarious. Thanks for joining us this week, hope to see you back next Wednesday for another set of prompts!!!!!


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