
Friday, January 17, 2014

Five Minute Friday

Lisa Jo Baker started an exercise called 5 minute Friday.  The premise is that you are given a word, you set your timer for 5 minutes and you write whatever comes to mind about that word for 5 minutes without editing or overthinking.  It is a fun exercise and I believe it helps our writing skills.



Today's word is encouragement.  It is difficult to live in this world if you are discouraged so I try very hard to offer encouragement to others as they struggle with the difficulties life hands them.  And life hands all of us difficulties.  There are so many things that we struggle with each day.  There is illness, addiction, family dynamics, problems at work or maybe no job at is hard to not get discouraged.  As hard as you might try to concentrate on those things in your life that are wonderful, those struggles keep pushing their way into your life and your thoughts. 

My mantra is "Let go and Let God".  We all have problems, we all have heartache and pain and sorrow but that does not mean that God is not here for us.  His Son came to us and suffered just as we do.



  1. I'm dropping by from FMF. Thanks for the ENCOURAGEMENT to let go and let God. Sometimes, even when we serve Him, it's hard to let go! Thanks!

  2. I am in total agreement with you (and commenter Dorothy) it is hard to let go! I struggle everyday with giving my problems to God and then letting go! Much easier said than done

    1. It sure is Paula, especially for us self professed Control Freaks.


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