
Friday, January 3, 2014

California Dreaming

Mom and I got up at 4 am this morning to get ready to go to California.  I went up and awoke Mom, set out her clothes, got her toothpaste on her toothbrush and then went and got myself showered.  When I got out of the shower I was happy to see Mom had actually gotten up and was brushing her teeth.  I went in and finished dressing, came out of my room and looked up the stairs, everything was dark again.  Mom had gone back to bed.  So I went back up and helped her get dressed and we made it out the door 5 minutes earlier than we had planned.

We got to the airport and to our gate with no problems.  I went and got Mom some coffee and a breakfast sandwich and she gladly took it without the usual "I couldn't eat a thing" speech.  Then we waited for the flight, and waited and was delayed over an hour.

We had a 4 hour flight during which I answered these questions ( and yes, I kept track)....

Where are we going?  28 Times

Why isn't this plane moving? and/or  Are we on the plane?, It doesn't seem to be moving.  15 Times

Where is the rest of the gang? 8 Times

Do we know someone who lives in California? 12 Times

Where is our car? 3 Times

We got to the airport in Phoenix and, of course, we missed our connecting flight and the next flight was in 4 hours!!  So we went and got lunch and Mom told me how she had always loved the restaurant we were in. Toooooo Funny.

Only one more hour and we will be boarding the next plane and another hour after that we will be sitting with my CA family having a glass of wine!!


  1. Isn't a sense of humor the greatest thing a care-giver needs? Or is it a vacation? I can never remember


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