
Saturday, December 14, 2013

To Whom it May Concern

Today Holidailies 2013 Badge has invited us to write a letter to the person / company / group annoying us the most this holiday season.

I feel like this may just be a repeat of yesterday's post but this is really the one thing that makes me super annoyed at Christmas so please forgive my redundancy.

Dear Mass Media,

Is making money really that much more important than honoring our Lord at this time of year?  Do you think that if you don't inundate us with commercials and sales and flyers that we are going to forget to buy Christmas gifts for our loved ones?  I think that if you really want to boost sales you should wait until after Thanksgiving is celebrated and then remind people that Christmas starts on December 25 and lasts for 12 days.  An old tradition was that you would give a gift each day of the 12 days of Christmas ending with the Feast of the Three Kings.  Oh, and you could also let people know that on December 6th they could celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas and leave a gift in the shoes of their loved one. 

If you did this you could allow people to celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving as the separate holidays that they are instead of a prelude to Christmas.  And while we are at it, might I remind you that Christmas is a wonderful holiday( read holy day) and I love it however it is not the most important holiday (read holy day).  That would be Easter, perhaps you could use some of the energy you save at Christmas time promoting the rebirth of our Lord.

That being said, I hope that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and that you encourage business owners to allow their employees the same.


  1. Well said! And isn't it interesting how the media totally forgets Easter! But then they must remain politically correct :) They can't figure out a way to confuse Easter with a holiday that requires a lot of money-spending instead of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!


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