
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow....

It is beautiful looking out our window today.  Big, fluffy flakes of snow...the kind that makes you want to go out and play.  And I, for sure, can't not know it is snowing because Mom tells me every 2 minutes to look outside.  She has never, in her whole life, seen the snow come down like this.  It is really, really snowing like crazy....just ask her LOL.

You can't really tell in this photo but it really is snowing.
And if you don't believe me, come and sit with Mom for an hour.
She will have you looking out and commenting on it every few moments.


  1. Ha! Ha! I know exactly what you mean. Mine isn't about snow but about the wild turkeys that are in the yard....everyday! All the time! Stay warm. We are supposed to be up to 50 tomorrow here Yipee!


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