
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Roast for Every Pot

I know, I IS supposed to be a Chicken in Every Pot but we are having Pot Roast tonight so I am using my poetic license today.

Pot Roast is a great meal.  You take a cheap cut of meat, in this case I am using chuck roast, and let it braise for hours in the liquid of your choice and when it comes out it is tender, juicy and delicious.  Then you turn that braising liquid into gravy for some mashed potatoes or noodles and you have a classic comfort dish that immediately takes you back to your childhood.  Life is Good!

Make sure your roast is dry and seasoned on both sides with salt and pepper.
Heat 1 T. of cooking oil ( I use coconut oil).
Place the meat in the pan once the oil is heated.
It should make a definite sizzling sound so that you get a good sear.
You will know that the roast is ready to be turned over because the pan will release it.
If it is sticking to the pan, let it sear a few moments longer until it can be moved easily.
Chunk an onion, a stalk of celery and twos carrots. 
I had baby carrots so I threw in a couple handful of those.
Place these in the bottom of your crockpot.
Place roast on top of the vegetables.

Open up a bottle of dark beer if you have it, I didn't so I used pale beer.
I used Warsteiner because that is what I had in my fridge but you can use any beer.
Pour beer into the hot pan that was used to sear the roast and deglaze the pan, scraping up all the crispy brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pan.
Coarsely mince 2 cloves of garlic and put over roast.
Pour the beer over the roast.
Add a bay leaf and cook on low for 8 hrs.
Now how easy is that??
Beef Pot Roast
1 (3-4 lb.) Chuck Roast
1 T. cooking oil (I use coconut)
1 onion, cut into chunks
1 stalk celery cut into 1" pieces
2 Carrots, cut into 1" pieces or a small bag of baby carrots
1 bottle of beer, preferably dark
2 cloves garlic, coarsely minced
1 bay leaf
Dry the roast with paper towel and then season generously with salt and pepper on both sides.  Heat 1 T. of oil in a large skillet.  When oil is hot but not smoking, sear beef on both sides.  While beef is searing place vegetables in bottom of a crock pot.  Place seared beef on top of vegetables and sprinkle garlic over beef.  Deglaze the pan with the beer until slightly reduced, scraping up any brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pan.  Pour deglazing liquid over the beef.  Add a bay leaf and cook on low for 8 hrs.  Print Recipe


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh this looks so good I might just have to get a roast out of the freezer for the weekend. I usually cook mine in the crock pot but I have never used beer. Yummy!


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