
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Planned Leftovers

To those who have been following me for the last couple of months it is no surprise that when I plan my weekly menu, I also plan in meals using leftovers from previous meals.  My family isn't very big on leftovers unless they are repurposed into another whole meal.

So tonight for dinner I am taking last weeks Chili and turning it into Burritos.

Place a scant half cup of your favorite Chili onto a Tortilla.
Roll up and place in baking pan.
Cover with Cheese and Bake at 350* for 25-30 Min.
I serve them with Shredded Lettuce, Diced Tomatoes, Sliced Avocados and Sour Cream.  Enjoy.

Likewise, tomorrow's Roast Chicken will turn into another meal or two for next week so keep tuned to find out what's on the menu Saturday.  I am also excited because I will be putting away my September/October Cuisine at Home and pulling out the November/December Holiday issues.  Tons of great recipes!!!

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