
Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Road and the Meals it Inspired #Movies&Munchies #Round-up

I think that I won, hands down, the award for finding a film with the most difficult foodie challenge in the history of Movies & Munchies and perhaps even our now-defunct Food n Flix group.

The Road

I asked the others to join me in reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy and then follow it up with the 2009 film of the same name.
This film takes place in a post-apocalyptic world and follows a man and his son as they journey through a desolate landscape devoid of any plant or animal life.  Hunger is a very real threat in this world.  The man and boy have survived finding canned goods on their journey.  Others have turned to cannibalism, an even worse threat to the man and his son.

After reading the novel and watching the film, I shared a couple of tinned meals.  These are meals that I would not normally serve in my household but I wondered what I would do if I only had canned goods available to me.  

Spam and Potatoes

I made SPAM and Potatoes using cans I purchased from the grocer.  I did cheat and used some olive oil and pepper.  Because I am fortunately not a victim of an apocalypse.

Spam and Beans

I added the leftover SPAM to some canned beans for the second apocalyptic meal.  You can read my reviews and recipes in my announcement post.

Amy of Amy's Cooking Adventures shared a soup that she had made out of necessity pointing out that this was much like the food in this month's Movies and Munchies group.  Amy did not care for the novel or the writing style of McCarthy.  She felt the movie was a bit more palatable.

Potato Cauliflower and White Bean Soup

Amy shared this soup that sounds pretty darn good saying: "I decided to go for the idea of the thing and make a dish based on necessity."

Amy's son had his wisdom teeth removed and was put on a diet of soft, smooth, not-too-hot food.  She decided to make this soup chock full of vegetables and protein that she could puree for his enjoyment.  This Potato, Cauliflower & White Bean Soup sounds fabulous.

I thought it was just going to be the two of us.  We both posted early in the month and then there were crickets on the event page until right before the deadline when two more of our group decided to join in.

First came Culinary Cam who read the novel but could not bring herself to watch the film.  She shared a cute story about her aversion to canned goods and a dinner that her husband, then boyfriend, had made for her.  

Fagioli all'Ucceletto

Camilla couldn't handle making a dish using canned goods so she made a wonderful Fagioli all'Ucceletto that could be made using canned beans.  

Debra of Eliot's Eats joined us after reading the book and watching the movie even as she found it challenging and difficult. 

Canned Goods

Debra decided to share some of her home canned goods that she has made.  I am kicking myself for not thinking of this.  Kudos to you Debra.  I think your post was the most on-point of the group.

That's a wrap for this month's Movies & Munchies.  Please join us next month as we watch The Shape of Water hosted by Debra of Eliot's Eats.


  1. Yes, Wendy, I do think you win the prize but we all need to be challenged at times and I think it is both an important novel and film. Thanks for hosting!


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